Effective Educational Supervision (online)

This online course meets the General Medical Council’s requirements for educational supervisors. It explores the fundamentals of educational supervision and provides essential updates on the RCPCH Progress+ curriculum and RCPCH assessments.
Date: -
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Fully booked

The RCPCH is pleased to offer this course at a reduced rate. Please note the fees may be subject to change.

  • RCPCH member - Trainee as well as SAS Doctor, Nurses, AHPs: £110
  • RCPCH member - Consultant: £140
  • Non-RCPCH member: £200

Course description

This one-day course will be delivered online and will provide you with a comprehensive and up-to-date overview of educational supervision, focusing on:

  • Recognising a trainee who needs support
  • Gathering information to define a problem 
  • Benefits of longitudinal supervision 
  • Giving feedback 
  • Reflecting on your practice

Course aim

The study day will develop your skills, knowledge and confidence as an effective educational supervisor and meets the GMC’s training requirements for supervisors.

Every doctor who is an educational supervisor should do this course, it provides the competency and confidence required to supervise and guide trainees appropriately.

Learning outcomes

By the end of this course, you will be able to:

  • Discuss the role and requirements of an educational supervisor and describe how this differs from clinical supervision
  • Prepare and conduct an effective educational supervision sessions for trainees
  • Effectively employ a range of formative and summative RCPCH assessments. 
  • Evaluate evidence within RCPCH ePortfolio to assess whether this meets the requirements of the relevant RCPCH Progress+ syllabus
  • Assess trainees’ learning needs using the RCPCH Progress+ curriculum and assessment strategy 
  • Identify when and why a doctor in training might benefit from support and how to provide support or access additional support
  • Employ appropriate techniques for giving feedback constructively to doctors in training
  • Recognise the importance of promoting reflective practice for both doctors in training and supervisors

Really well structured. Good mix of delivery methods and speaker experience shone through. 

Target audience 

It is suitable for both current and aspiring educational supervisors, including those who require an update for revalidation.

  • Paediatric trainees ST7 and ST8
  • SAS doctors
  • Consultant paediatricians

Course requirements

To participate in this online course, you will need access to:

  • Windows or Mac Computer (laptop / desktop or tablet)
  • An internet connection 
  • Microphone and speaker - either using the built-in microphone/speaker or a headset connected to your laptop/desktop or tablet
  • Webcam - either using a built-in webcam or a separate webcam connected to your laptop/desktop or tablet.
Course Lead(s)