RCPCH-BPSU Webinar: Don’t forget rheumatic fever!

In this webinar, Dr Tom Parks and the panel will discuss the BPSU study and provide a refresher on Strep A disease and post-infectious disease at a time when UK children are at increased risk.
Date: -
Time: -
Free to attend

Topics covered

  • Overview of Strep A disease and risks of post-infectious disease.
  • Review of diagnosis of acute rheumatic fever including Jones Criteria.
  • Discussion of where and how children may present with acute rheumatic fever in the UK today.


Dr Tom Parks (Speaker)

Tom Parks is an adult infectious diseases consultant and researcher at Imperial College London. He has studied and taught about rheumatic fever for the last 15 years. His research aims to better understand epidemiology and disease mechanisms with the goal of improved diagnostics and treatments and eventually, a vaccine to prevent Strep A infection.

Professor Elizabeth Whittaker (Panel)

Liz Whittaker is the Clinical Lead for paediatric infectious diseases consultant at Imperial College London and Convenor of the British Paediatric Allergy Infection and Immunity Group.

Professor Jethro Herberg (Panel)

Jethro Herberg is a paediatric infectious diseases consultant at Imperial College London whose research focuses on improved diagnostics for childhood infections. He has a particular interest in Kawasaki disease and runs a joint clinic with Tom Parks at Imperial seeing children and young adults with suspected post-streptococcal disease. 

Dr Mary Salama (Panel)

Mary Salama is consultant general paediatrician at Birmingham Women's and Children's NHS Foundation Trust where she is medical lead for Children with Medical Complexities and Human Factors. She undertook the most recent BPSU survey of rheumatic fever.

Dr Joseph Wacher (Panel)

Joseph Wacher is a consultant paediatrician with expertise in cardiology at Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust with expertise in congenital heart disease, inherited heart disease, arrhythmia and Kawasaki disease.


  • Consultant Paediatricians
  • SAS Doctors
  • Locally Employed Doctors 
  • Paediatric trainees
  • Paediatric cardiologists
  • Paediatric rheumatologists
  • Paediatric infectious disease specialists 
  • GPs and GP trainees
  • ED doctors & trainees
  • Public Health doctors
  • Orthopaedic surgeons
  • It is also suitable for an international audience, with caveats on data (which is UK and Ireland) and treatment approaches, which will be most relevant to the UK context
  • The webinar may also be of interest to consultants and trainees who see young adults in their practice

For more information

Please contact the RCPCH Education Team by email: rcpchlearning@rcpch.ac.uk

Useful links

BPSU study - Acute rheumatic fever