Update, 2023 This curriculum has been approved as an NHS England credential. Once finalised it will be available on this website.
In 2017, Health Education England, NHS England and NHS Improvement worked in partnership to develop a national multi-professional framework for advanced clinical practice (PDF), which ensures that there is national consistency and understanding about advanced level practice.
To build on this work National Health Service England (NHSE) are working with RCPCH to design a paediatric focused, flexible and sustainable learning outcomes-based curricular framework at postgraduate level for practitioners from any relevant regulated professions.
The curricular framework aims to ensure that education and training for APs in Paediatrics meet nationally agreed standards, with an aim of providing clarity and standardisation. The curricular framework will map to the HEE national framework.
Why do we need this?
Developing the AP workforce provides an opportunity to develop a clear clinical career pathway. This enables the progression of staff in a clinical context, rather than progression into managerial roles.
APs can be developed and deployed in all care settings and across a wide range of professions. Some AP roles are focused upon clinical specialities whereas others may provide a broader service.
This project aims to build on the development of the AP workforce by developing a clear and consistent framework for Paediatric APs across education and clinical work.
Who is this for?
The curricular framework is for higher education institutions (HEIs) that already run or who would like to run AP paediatric courses at postgraduate level. As the curriculum model maps to the multi-professional framework for advanced practice in England it will enable HEIs running paediatric specific courses to ensure that their advanced practice paediatric courses are in line with the national framework.
It is also for employers and trainee practitioners to ensure that their practice is in alignment with the national framework.
Established practitioners can also use the framework to obtain a wide-angle view of their practice (and/or future directions), it is not primarily intended for this purpose, as robust CPD (continuing professional development) and PDR (personal development review) processes are much better suited for APs with significant experience in paediatric advanced practice.
The curricular framework will consist of key capabilities and learning outcomes across 11 domains which map across five patient groups: non- hospital paediatrics, hospital paediatrics, neonatal, critical care, and child with complex needs.
The curricular framework encompasses the four pillars that underpin AP practice: clinical practice, leadership and management, education and research.
Our project team of multi-professional leads produced learning outcomes and key capabilities, as well as illustrations to show how these can be demonstrated in clinical practice.
In autumn 2021 we invited APs and AP employers to feedback on the draft curriculum. The results of this first consultation and how we have used the feedback to shape the current version can be read in our phase 1 feedback report below.
The second phase of the consultation ran in November and December 2021. We invited HEIs to review the draft curriculum and complete a survey to share their views. A report on the findings from this survey can be found in the HEI consultation report below.
If you have any queries about the project, please contact us at qualityandtrainingprojects@rcpch.ac.uk.