RCPCH Conference 2025 - ePoster FAQs

If you have been selected to present an ePoster at this year's Conference, congratulations! The deadline for sending your ePoster is Monday 3 March, 23:59 GMT. This page has all the information you need to know.

If you are presenting a physical poster, see guidance for physical posters instead.

ePoster FAQs 

What are the specifications for ePosters?

Document Length: 1 page only 

Font: minimum 16pt font size, please use a standard font (eg. Arial, Calibri, Helvetica, Tahoma, Times New Roman).

Layout: Include the abstract title at the top of your poster. Indicate any references and conflicts of interest at the bottom of your poster.

Language: English (British)

File type: PDF (.pdf)

Orientation: Portrait / vertical orientation

Format: 9:16

Minimum recommended size: Pixels: 1125 width x 2000 height, Centimeter: 45.72 width x 81.28 height, Inches: 18 width x 32height.

Resolution: DPI 300 pixels/inch

Maximum file size: 5MB excluding video, 40MB including video

Media: Images, graphs and tables can be included in the ePoster.

Video specification: File type: MP4 only. Length: Maximum 5 minutes long, File size: Maximum 20MB per video, Quantity: Maximum 1 video per ePoster. 

Where will my ePoster be displayed?

Your ePoster will be displayed digitally on portrait screens in the exhibition hall and on the virtual ePoster gallery hosted on the official event platform. Attendees will have on-demand access to the ePoster gallery for six months after the event.

Do I need to use a specific template for my ePoster?

No, using the PowerPoint templates is optional. However, they are available here if you wish to use them as a starting point.

How do I upload my ePoster?

The upload portal and upload process will be managed by Simul Europe. Instructions and login details will be emailed to the registered presenting author on Friday 7 February 2025. Please monitor your email, including spam / junk folders, for this information.

What is the deadline to upload my ePoster?

The final deadline to upload your ePoster is 23:59 GMT on Monday 3 March 2025. Failure to meet this deadline may result in your poster not being displayed.

Can I include videos in my ePoster?

Yes, you may include one video in your ePoster, provided it meets the following requirements:

File type: MP4. Length: Maximum 5 minutes. File size: Maximum 20MB.

Can I use the RCPCH logo on my ePoster?

You may only use the RCPCH logo if someone from RCPCH was directly involved in your research and you can provide evidence of their involvement.

Are organisers responsible for proof-reading ePosters?

No, authors are fully responsible for the content and proof-reading of their ePosters before submission.

How will attendees access my ePoster?

Registered attendees can view your ePoster via digital portrait screens in the exhibition hall and through the virtual ePoster gallery on the event platform. They can search by poster number, title, or submission topic.

What file name format should I use when saving my ePoster?

Use the following format for naming your ePoster file: Abstract ID - Abstract Title - Author Name. This ensures consistency and easy identification.

Can I update my ePoster after uploading it?

Once your ePoster is uploaded, changes can only be made up until the submission deadline of 23:59 GMT on Monday 3 March 2025. After this time, no further edits will be allowed. To update your ePoster, please update a revised version via the ePoster portal.

Will I receive a confirmation email once my ePoster is uploaded?

Unfortunately, you will not receive a confirmation email once your ePoster has been successfully uploaded.

What should I do if I encounter technical issues during the upload process?

If you experience any technical difficulties, please contact Simul Europe at support@simul-europe.com.

Will I receive feedback on my ePoster?

Feedback is not provided as part of the ePoster submission or display process.

Can I add new information/findings to my ePoster?

Although this is not mandatory, we recommend submitters to ensure that your ePoster and abstract submission are identical.