Covering all bases: Community child health workforce (2017)

Community Child Health (CCH) is the largest paediatric sub-specialty, focusing on the care of vulnerable children and families, children with long-term conditions and child public health. Our resources support workforce planning.
Last modified
9 September 2019

The RCPCH and British Association for Community Child Health (BACCH) have developed evidence-based resources to guide workforce planning for community paediatric services. The aim of this work is to update and broaden the workforce guidance developed by BACCH in 1999, to support service design and commissioning for a population and to ensure high quality care based on national standards and best practice.

  • Covering all bases: Community child health - a paediatric workforce guide includes an overview, key findings, a framework for service planning and links to guidance and standards for the components of CCH services.
  • Community child health survey results details findings from our survey. This captures a breakdown of data relating to activity in all the major clinic types alongside broader service arrangements.
  • Covering all bases - innovative practice directory presents a range of good practice examples submitted via the national call for evidence and the UK survey of CCH services.
  • A simple and detailed workforce calculator (MS Excel file with macros) has been designed for community paediatricians and service planners to calculate the community paediatric consultant and SAS doctor workforce for their service to meet demand and national guidance.

You can find a summary of the project outputs and its principal findings and conclusions in our report, State of Child Health: community paediatrics workforce. This also provides a number of recommendations about workforce numbers and service planning.

For more information, please contact the Workforce team on 0207 092 6162 or email