Due diligence on accepting funding

Our acceptance and refusals of donations policy, which you can download below, sets out robust safeguards for the engagement with commercial organisations.

Key points to highlight

  • The acceptance and refusals of donations policy clearly states that RCPCH will not accept advertising or conference stands promoting standard breast milk substitutes.
  • In relation to educational and research projects, there will be no involvement by the funder in the selection of topics, choice of speakers, programme content, or spend of funds.


Senior RCPCH staff, Council and the Board of Trustees put together due diligence criteria that set out the robust criteria that companies must meet if RCPCH is to accept funding. These criteria are in line with Charity Commission guidance.

Any organisation providing funding to RCPCH must first complete the funder due diligence questionnaire, available in our acceptance and refusals of donations policy below.

Following this, RCPCH undertakes a due diligence exercise addressing activities by the funder that might be at variance with our objectives or represent a proven breach of 'required codes of conduct'.


In order for RCPCH to accept funding, organisations must do the following:

  • Meet relevant Codes of Practice (eg ABPI Code of Practice for the Pharmaceutical Industry), or show demonstrable progress and commitment to working towards meeting them.
  • Demonstrate willingness to share information on breaches in the UK, and internationally, of the relevant code(s), any past or ongoing criminal investigations or prosecutions for illegal activity, and remediating actions taken.
  • Provide a reasonable explanation should any inconsistencies be identified between information provided by them and information obtained by RCPCH.
  • Provide evidence of robust governance by the parent company of national businesses within the group and plans for continued development and improvement.
  • Ensure sign off of the RCPCH funder due diligence questionnaire to RCPCH by an international level senior director.