College Tutors resources and updates

The College Tutor is the RCPCH representative in the NHS Trust, and has a duty to keep up to date with our standards in education and training, new educational initiatives and changes to the curriculum, examinations and assessments. Access our key guide and resources.

Role, handbook and change of Tutor

As the RCPCH College Tutor, you are the paediatrician responsible for postgraduate medical education in your NHS Trust. You will have a strong interest in education and an ability to effectively network with colleagues in the Trust and the Deanery/LETB.

The details of working arrangements within the Trust, including liaison across Trust boundaries, need to be appropriate to the local situation and agreed with colleagues. 

RCPCH holds meetings twice a year for College Tutors containing a range of content designed to help you perform your role. Find out more in the College Tutor Handbook. 

The below resources aim to support you as a College Tutor, and are freely available to use at your own site

We want to continually improve these, so if you have relevant resources you're willing to share, or any feedback, we'd love to hear from you - email us on

New standards of practice: induction to newborn resuscitation

Each Neonatal Department providing a service in attending deliveries of newborns should have an induction programme for new staff that includes basic newborn resuscitation principles and skills