Epilepsy12 audit

We work to improve the quality of care for children and young people with seizures and epilepsies in England and Wales.

Epilepsy12 and OPEN UK National Conference

Join us for the seventh annual Epilepsy12 and Organisation of Paediatric Epilepsy Networks​ (OPEN UK) National Conference 2024.

Wednesday 18 September, 11:00–16:45​ | A hybrid event: in Leeds and online 


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Enter Cohort 6 data

The Cohort 5 and 2023 organisational audit deadlines have passed. Health Boards and Trusts should now submit data to the Cohort 6 clinical audit on our new data entry platform.
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Published in July 2024, the most recent results from Epilepsy12 provide insight into epilepsy care for children and young people.

This report presents key findings, national recommendations, and quality improvement. You can also find regional or local results in the extended analyses and detailed data tables.

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Frequent reporting dashboard

This interactive tool shares Epilepsy12 performance indicator data in the public domain at frequent intervals.

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Established in 2009, Epilepsy12 has the continued aim of helping epilepsy services, and those who commission health services, to measure and improve the quality of care for children and young people with seizures and epilepsies.
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Our current round has two main data processing and reporting components: the organisational audit and the clinical audit. We provide full detail, and the link to submit data.
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We've brought together the Epilepsy12 annual reports from earlier rounds, plus links to our patient and parent guide, clinic posters, presentations from our conferences and more.
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Epilepsy Quality Improvement Programme (EQIP)

In June 2019 we launched the first paediatric epilepsy QI collaborative pilot in England and Wales. RCPCH EQIP supports epilepsy service teams to identify sustainable improvements within their services for children and young people with epilepsy.

Children and parent

Epilepsy12 Youth Advocates

This group of epilepsy experienced or interested children, young people and families volunteers to improve care for patients and their families - such as a Clinic Chat Check List.