Introduction to the roles
Examiners assess the performance of candidates taking part in MRCPCH (membership) and DCH (Diploma of Child Health) Clinical exams in the UK and overseas.
Senior examiners are the lead examiners on UK MRCPCH and DCH clinical exams, and are responsible for the smooth running of all exams.
Hosts are consultant paediatricians with responsibility for all local clinical exam arrangements at a given centre - such as ward, outpatients department or an education facility.
Interested in supporting our exams?
As the Exams team, we support and oversee the recruitment and training of examiners and hosts.
If you'd would like to find out more about the roles that examiners play, or apply to become an examiner, visit our page, Becoming an MRCPCH/DCH examiner.
Already an examiner or host?
We've brought together documents and resources for MRCPCH and DCH hosts, examiners and senior examiners in one location to make it easier for you to access any of the information you need.