Child health inequalities and climate change

Climate change poses an existential threat to the health and wellbeing of children and young people. But it is not experienced equally. We look at unequal exposure to its effects, capacity to adapt, food security and eco distress. It's time again to #ShiftTheDial

Our position - the evidence and policy recommendations for UK

Actions to combat climate change could improve child health equity. And actions to improve equity have the potential to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Our call to the four UK Governments: make child health central to climate policy development.

Graphic of two heads with cogs and speech bubbles, on background with repeated icon of family and tree
Our first tool for paediatricians outlines the evidence: how climate change impacts on children and young people’s health in the UK, and and how it exacerbates health inequalities.
Graphic of megaphone, document and headline, on background with repeated icon of family and tree
Our second tool encourages you to try to influence decisions within systems and institutions. We explore how we can listen to different points of view and collectively identify solutions.
Graphic of three children/young people with speech bubbles, on background with repeated icon of family and tree
Our report, 'Preserving the world for future generations' gives insight into how children and young people - in the UK and internationally - perceive and understand climate change.
Illustration of park with slide, on a slope marked social gradient. Sun beams with words: Eco anxiety, Capacity to adapt to climate change, Unequal food system, Unequal exposure to the effects of climate change. Beneath higher side of slope reads: Less deprivation, poverty and child deprivation; More green space; Nutritious food supply. Beneath lower side of slope reads: Higher deprivation, poverty and child deprivation; Deprived urban areas with less green space; Less access to nutritious food.

Our latest news and blogs on health inequalities and/or climate change


Let us know your experiences with digital skills and solutions

Advances in technology and the evolving landscape in digital medicine will help deliver the best possible care to children and young people. But how can we best do this? We're inviting members to complete surveys to help us develop a new digital healthcare programme at the College.
Media response

Health inequalities rampant in PICU admissions

The Paediatric Intensive Care Audit Network (PICANet) has published a report summarising paediatric critical care activity within paediatric intensive care units (PICU) between 2021 and 2023.