National Paediatric Diabetes Audit

We work with hospitals to measure the health outcomes and experiences of children with diabetes in England, Wales and Jersey.
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Our 'Care processes and outcomes' reports present the audit's findings on the quality of care for children and young people with diabetes. Our latest covers April 2022 to March 2023.
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We ask that all paediatric diabetes units in England, Wales and Jersey submit data from patient visits each quarter. We provide the datasets, templates to submit by CSV or patient questionnaire, and user guides.
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We explain our data collection process and analysis, privacy and data protection impact assessment. Plus, how you can access NPDA data for research.
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Use our public, interactive 'dashboard' to view audit results on the key performance indicators of our audit. We update the dashboard each quarter.
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Our Parent and Patient Reported Experience Measures (PREM) report presents findings from surveys completed by children and young people with diabetes, and their parents and carers.
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Our spotlight audits have looked at: diagnosis and management of Type 2 diabetes (including young people's insights); diabetes-related technologies; and paediatric diabetes workforce.

NPDA Annual Conferences

These offer opportunities for multidisciplinary teams and other stakeholders to come together and learn how NPDA data is used in research and to inform best practice. Our most recent was in January 2024.