Advocating for child health, now and in the future

This is the first of our “In conversation…” series discussing the four aims of our College Strategy 2021-24. Dr Mike McKean, our VP for Health Policy speaks with Robert Okunnu, Director for Membership, Policy & External Affairs on the College’s health policy priorities.
Dr Mike McKean with headphones

Our College Strategy 2021-24 sets out a plan to improve health outcomes for children and young people. Our third aim is to speak with confidence and authority on the health issues that matter to children and young people, and on policies that speak to our values and our mission.

Dr Mike McKean is Vice President for Policy at the College and Consultant Respiratory Paediatrician at the Great North Children's Hospital in Newcastle.

He has keen insight into the potential barriers in accessing care or supporting patients through his experience as a Clinical Director.

Our conversation with him took a look at shaping systems and how paediatricians can be advocates for health. 

If you are drawn towards thinking--what can I do, not just in my day job? What could I do to help influence a better system? I would say it starts actually in your day job. The first step, I think, is to step back and think more broadly about the children and families that are coming in front of you.

Dr Mike McKean
