Update, October 2024 - We have published our new RCPCH strategy 2024-34
At the end of this month, we will publish our new strategy for the College, covering 2021 to 2024. This is the culmination of nine months’ work, involving many members and other stakeholders in its production, and will shape our work and priorities over the next three years.
We will take some of the innovations and lessons from the last year, particularly around digital transformation, to guide our work, and much of the strategy is building and consolidating work the College already does. The document will help us prioritise to ensure we are achieving the best outcomes for our members and child health. It is also designed to be reflective, offering us opportunities to measure our progress and ensure we continue to focus our energies in the right areas.
Some people will be tired of organisations talking about strategies as high-level documents that are full of jargon, and we've made huge efforts to make sure that's not the case and it’s really meaningful… this strategic document is really setting, if you like, guiderails for where we see the College going over this next period.
In advance of publication, our President, Camilla Kingdon, and our Chief Executive, Jo Revill met to discuss the strategic plan and why we need one, and who was involved in the creation. They also reflected on our four themes, and our overall mission to support paediatricians and improve child health.
What I'm really hoping for ... is that with the rollout of this strategy and the work that we're planning around engaging with members…people will become much clearer in their minds about the roles we undertake.
You can access the podcast below or listen on your favoured podcast platform. The strategy will be released at the end of September so keep an eye out on this website and our social media channels. We will welcome discussion and debate about the direction and will be running a series of webinars over winter 2021-22 to share our plans and work with you.