RCPCH celebrates uptake of RSV maternal vaccine

The new maternal Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV) vaccine rolled out in September saw more than 1 in 3 women giving birth take up the offer during the first month.
Young baby sleeping with hand in adult's hand

UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA) data from NHS GP practice records shows 33.6% of women who delivered in September had the RSV vaccine.

The most recent week-to-week data from the NHS in England shows that over 140,000 pregnant women have now been vaccinated since the programme launched in September.

RCPCH Vice President for Policy, Dr Mike McKean, said: 

It is incredibly positive to hear that 1 in 3 September-born babies were born to a mother who had received the RSV vaccine.

Each winter, RSV rates spike and put health services under immense pressure. As a paediatrician I have seen firsthand how serious and sometimes life-threatening an RSV infection can be for children and young infants. The maternal RSV vaccine is a safe and effective way to protect newborn babies and also reduce pressure on NHS services.

We urge all pregnant people to receive this game-changer vaccination and protect themselves and their newborns from this nasty infection.