Your legacy
As child health care professionals, we understand the importance of looking after family first. Even 1% of what’s left after you have taken care of your loved ones would make a huge difference to the work we do to improve health outcomes for children and young people.
You can leave an unrestricted gift, which will allow us to direct funds to areas of particular need or if you wish, you can request that your legacy is used to support a specific programme of work – see what your legacy could do. We will always try to ensure that any such wishes are met, if at all possible, but please be aware that if you request the legacy is directed towards particular project, which no longer requires funding, we may wish to discuss similar alternative programmes or projects.
As the RCPCH is a registered charity, most legacy gifts are exempt from UK inheritance tax and a solicitor can explain in full the benefits of this and how they could apply to you.
We would love to discuss our work with you. If you have a particular interest in any of the programmes the College currently runs, please contact Grants and Partnerships team on or 020 7092 6165.
- What your legacy could do
A recent legacy enabled us to set up the Child Health Research Fellowships, which will fund research to advance the science of paediatrics and ultimately, improve the health and wellbeing of children.
The first of these, RCPCH and Newlife Clinical Research Fellowship in childhood disability, opened applications in autumn 2019, and started at the end of 2020. The Fellowship aims to enable the nurturing of new child health researchers in childhood disabilities and will strengthen the scientific evidence base that will lead to improvements in the diagnosis, treatment and management of child health.

Writing a will
You can write your Will yourself, but we strongly recommend you seek professional legal advice, particularly if your Will isn't straightforward. The GOV.UK website has information about making a Will.
If you would like to update your Will, you need to make an official alteration called a codicil or make a new Will. Again, the GOV.UK website has information about updating your Will.
We cannot recommend a particular solicitor to make your Will, but we suggest you contact The Law Society, who can provide details of solicitors in your area, including those who specialise in Wills.
Please ensure you take full professional legal advice when creating your Will.
There are several different kinds of gifts you can leave in your Will. The most common are described below:
- Leave a share of your estate
You may wish to leave to the RCPCH all or a share of what remains of your estate after all debts, taxes and specific legacies have been paid. This type of gift is known as a residuary legacy. It is easy to add to a will and does not affect gifts you have left to family and friends.
- Leave a fixed sum of money
You may wish to leave us a stated sum of money. This is known as a pecuniary bequest.
- Leave a specific item of value
You may wish to leave us a particular item (known as a specific bequest), which can be sold to support the RCPCH’s aims. It could be property or an item of value such as an antique or a piece of jewellery.
- Donations in memory
You may wish to specify that if friends/relatives make a donation in your memory that it should be to the Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health.

Telling us your intentions
We understand that leaving a gift in your Will is a very personal and often private decision and you’re under no obligation to let us know of your intentions.
However, if you do decide to let us know, we can thank you for your kind intentions and, should you wish, keep you updated about the important work of the College. This is not binding in any way, and you can change your mind at any point.
We also recommend you discuss your intentions about your Will with your loved ones, as this will help ensure your final wishes are realised.
To discuss a potential bequest in your will, please contact the Grants and Partnerships team on or 020 7092 6165.
Should you wish to remember the RCPCH in your Will, please remember to use our full name: Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health and the correct registered address, 5-11 Theobalds Road, London, WC1X 8SH and charity number, Registered Charity No. 1057744.