Jo Revill, former Chief Executive Officer

Jo Revill

Jo was CEO at RCPCH from June 2018 to October 2022. She has had an extensive career working for the Evening Standard and the Observer newspapers, as both health and political correspondent and then as adviser to Alan Johnson, when he was health secretary and home secretary.

Jo subsequently worked as strategic communications director at the Royal College of Surgeons before joining the British Society for Immunology, a membership body working with scientists and clinical researchers in immunology.

Jo is also the author of two books on allergies and bird flu.

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CEO update - summer 2021

Each quarter our Chief Executive Jo Revill updates members on the College's work. We've been celebrating the 25th anniversary of RCPCH - virtually, of course - and Jo looks to our ongoing work, led by members, to improve equality, diversity and inclusion and to restore our exams internationally. Plu...