The National Diabetes Quality Programme (NDQP) was established in 2018 in collaboration with the National Children and Young People’s Diabetes Network, and aimed to to help drive outcomes, improvements and encourage service change in paediatric diabetes care in England and Wales.
In this report, we focus on the impacts of the NDQP's Peer Review process and Quality Improvement Collaborative, demonstrated through a series of surveys, as well as a review of our serious concerns data.
Highlights include:
- 132 peer reviews were conducted across the duration of the programme.
- 88 peer reviews had serious concerns raised.
- 182 serious concerns were raised in total.
- 117 services took part in the Quality Improvement Collaborative.
- 76% of responding peer reviewed services stated that they think peer review has had a direct impact on their service and health outcomes.
The most common recommendations made during peer reviews were for increases in multidisciplinary staffing including dietetic, medical, psychological, PDSN and administrative provision.
Our self-assessment data was also analysed and is published as a separate report, with key findings included in this report.
The hospital has benefitted in so many ways from this scheme and we are proud of our improved outcomes over the past few years. The external peer review we had in 2020 identified serious concerns in staffing. This put pressure on our Trust to invest in our service. This would not have happened without the peer review...The skills learnt have been invaluable both for developing our service but also currently as we merge with another hospital to form a new diabetes service.