This course has been developed to support implementation of the Royal College of Radiologists and the Society and College of Radiographers publication, The radiological investigation of suspected physical abuse.
The course has five modules:
- Introduction – Giving a background to the course
- Making the referral for imaging – What are the requirements and information necessary to ensure the correct images are taken within the necessary timeframes?
- Producing images – How can you ensure the necessary images are taken with minimal possible radiation exposure and patient distress?
- Reporting images – Who should evaluate the images and how should this be documented?
- Follow-up imaging – how can you ensure that all necessary follow-up imaging takes place?
To provide an overview of the principles behind the guidance, along with practical demonstrations and advice on how to obtain the best possible quality images within the necessary timeframes
By the end of this online learning, you will be able to:
- Identify the implications of the guidance and its recommendations for practice in your specific professional area
- Outline how to effectively implement the guidance in your local organisation in collaboration with your multidisciplinary team colleagues
This resource has been created predominantly for radiographers and nuclear medicine technologists, radiologists and hospital-based paediatricians.
However, it may also be of interest to registered children’s nurses, play therapists, Accident and Emergency (A&E) staff, community-based health professionals and safeguarding lead professionals, all of whom may be involved in the imaging process.
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