We want to put child health at the centre of decision-making in all four nations in the UK
We are already a powerful voice for children and young people at the highest levels of decision-making, like advocating for policies which prevent harm, such as vaping legislation and banning of cigarettes for young people, to policy solutions for child health services and child protection and safeguarding. Our College and our members will use this strong voice to make a positive difference to child health outcomes.
Our work is strengthened through a child- rights based approach, bringing the theory from the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child into reality through our policy, advocacy and workforce development in paediatrics and child health. RCPCH &Us volunteers have asked the College and those we work with to be active in how children and young people’s views and wishes are asked for, listened to and acted on (Article 12) and to do all we can through advocacy, legislation and asking the Government to implement these rights, protecting children and young people from the harm of being overlooked and forgotten in health planning (Article 4, Article 24).
We want to put child health at the centre of decision-making in all four nations in the UK so that appropriate resources are allocated to improving children’s health and wellbeing.
We will provide clear direction and leadership for child health at the highest level:
- Through our advocacy and influencing of Governments and the NHS, all four nations' Governments will have a cabinet- level Minister for Children (or equivalent within each devolved structure
- Policy and advocacy campaigns reflect the insight from our members and children and young people and child health impact assessments are utilised on relevant government policies
- In all UK nations, governments are more clearly held to account for progress, using indicators of child health
We will complete the following actions to reach our goal:
- Make sure every change we advocate for is based on robust evidence where available
- Build on our existing platform for advocacy, supporting the influencing work of our members, children and young people with local hospitals, care settings and Health Commissioners across the four nations as they advocate for better health outcomes
- Produce a powerful case for change, based on a robust evidence base that brings together key workforce data, our Blueprint for Child Health Services, Facing the Future Standards and a State of the Child Health Workforce Report
By the end of 2027 we will know we are successful when:
- Cabinet-level Ministers for Children (or equivalent within each devolved structure) are in every UK nation
- Child health impact assessments are used in the development of relevant government policies
- Governments across the four nations use indicators of child health to track progress
- Our well-recognised RCPCH brand continues to be trusted and respected among members and policymakers
- The NHS in every UK nation has clear child health considerations in their workforce plans