RCPCH Members’ Award

This award honours members who have done exceptional work in support of child health, but who might not be eligible for Honorary Fellowship or other awards. We are always open to receive a wide range of nominations.

Nominations for our 2026 Members' Award are now open, and will close at 17:00 Friday 20th June 2025.
Table of contents


Recipients must, in their professional practice, have done exceptional work in support of the College’s objectives. This work may either be sustained over a period or may be a single piece of work of national and/or international importance. It may be across any field of relevant work – for instance, clinical, research, service delivery, or teaching/training.

There is no geographical restriction on recipients of the award.

You can see the winners of the award in 20242023 and 2022.

Winners for 2025 will be announced at the RCPCH 2025 Conference


Nominations for the RCPCH Members' Award 2026 are now open, and will close on Friday 20th June 2025 at 17:00. 

Nominees must be College members in any membership category eligible to vote at College General Meetings as per the College bye-laws. We accept nominations for a single nominee or for joint nominees on one topic or project.

Nominations can be proposed and seconded by RCPCH members (any category). They are made without the knowledge of the nominee(s) on our online form, with up to 500 words for a supporting statement.

The RCPCH Members' Awards are made on the recommendations of Council after it is advised by the Nominations Committee. We inform only those nominees who have been successfully awarded.

Further information for Nominators can be found in the guidance below. 

Make your nomination for 2026

