Become an Ordinary member

Ordinary membership, which is available for paediatricians in the UK and internationally who have passed MRCPCH Clinical, and which provides the MRCPCH designation, supports your professional development with a range of benefits.

About Ordinary membership and requirements

If you are a paediatrician who has passed the MRCPCH Clinical or MRCP(UK) part II examination in paediatrics, you can apply for Ordinary membership.

If you are in a paediatric specialty training role, you will also need to register for training. This has an additional training fee, and gives you access to RCPCH ePortfolio and resources to support your career. You can do this at the same time as you apply for membership.

In summary, membership of RCPCH means continuous professional education, excellent standards of paediatric care and a strong emotional bond, which definitely improved the final outcome of my daily work.

Ordinary member


Membership fees in 2025

Membership type UK UK - monthly Direct Debt  Europe and North America Rest of world (middle upper income) Rest of world (middle lower income)
Ordinary member £538 £44.83 £389 £248 £197
Ordinary member in training £388 £32.33 N/A N/A N/A
Ordinary member - less than full time £404 £33.66 N/A N/A N/A
Ordinary member in training - less than full time £291 £24.25 N/A N/A N/A

Your membership fee does not include the training fee. If you are a trainee, your membership fee and training fee are collected together. See information about the training fee in our Training guide.

You can pay your membership fee (and training fee if relevant) by credit card or debit card. If you have a UK bank account, you can pay by Direct Debit on an annual or monthly basis.

How to apply and timeline

Ordinary members are admitted on a monthly basis. Applications received will be considered for commencement of Ordinary membership from the 1st of the following month.

Please ensure you read the membership bye-laws and regulations before applying.

If you have any questions, contact us on

Log in to apply for Ordinary membership