Specialty Groups and Special Interest Groups

Information and contacts for Specialty Groups (SGs) and Special Interest Groups (SIGs) are listed. These paediatric groups meet regularly as the RCPCH Specialty Board.
Table of contents

1. About Specialty Groups

Specialty Groups (SGs) recognised by the RCPCH are independent bodies representing paediatricians practicing in a specific specialty of paediatrics for which a specific training pathway and lifelong education have been set up and overseen by the RCPCH.

Each SG has a counterpart College Specialty Advisory Committee (CSAC) in the RCPCH. The majority of their membership will be paediatricians though doctors from other areas of medicine and other professionals allied to medicine may also be able to join.

Association for Paediatric Palliative Medicine (APPM)

APPM represents doctors, nurses and allied health professionals working with babies, children and young people with palliative care needs in all care settings across the UK and Ireland. APPM produces an internationally renowned specialist formulary and topic specific clinical guidelines (supported by Cochrane Response). APPM provides regular educational events and have several subgroups including perinatal, transition, trainees, pharmacy, nursing, education and research. APPM is linked with the European Association for Palliative Care.

Contact: Dr Anna-Karenia Anderson (Chair) Anna-Karenia.Anderson@nhs.net

APPM website

Association of Paediatric Emergency Medicine (APEM)

APEM is a charity promoting excellence, training and research in paediatric emergency medicine. It has an important role in setting training requirements and competencies. Membership is open to doctors, nurses and allied health workers with an interest in paediatric emergency care.

Contact: Dr Jane Bayreuther (Convenor) jane.bayreuther@uhs.nhs.uk

APEM website

British Academy of Childhood Disability (BACD)

BACD is a membership organisation open to all professionals working in the field of childhood disability. This includes paediatricians, mental health professionals, specialist nurses, allied health professionals, and professionals working in the education and social care sectors. BACD operates as an affiliate group of the British Association of Community Child Health, a specialty group of the Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health, and as the UK branch of the European Academy of Childhood Disability.

Contact: Dr Catherine Tuffrey (Chair) bacd@rcpch.ac.uk

BACD website

British Association for Community Child Health (BACCH)

BACCH is a professional membership organisation for doctors and other professionals working in paediatrics and child health in the community. BACCH’s vision is to promote and protect the good health of children and their families in their communities. BACCH represents the largest paediatrics sub-specialty with five affiliate groups.

Contact: Dr Doug Simkiss (Chair) bacch@rcpch.ac.uk

BACCH website

British Association for Paediatric Nephrology (BAPN)

BAPN is a division of the Renal Association. BAPN is open to all professionals working towards improving the care and lives of children with kidney diseases. BAPN welcomes everyone working or training in renal units, caring for patients with kidney disease, and/or working or training in renal research to improve patient care in the future. BAPN also welcomes clinicians in other fields who have an interest in nephrology to join as members.

Contact: Dr Nabil Melham (Secretary) nabil.melhem@gstt.nhs.uk

BAPN website

British Association of General Paediatrics (BAGP)

BAGP is open to all clinicians working in the field of acute and general paediatrics in the UK. BAGP aims to have a clearer process for general paediatricians to have a voice within the College such as RCPCH General Paediatric CSAC activities, general paediatric training, interacting with other subspecialties, workforce and service planning, developing a vision for acute and general paediatrics, contributing more actively to guideline development and the NICE process, having closer links with research groups within the College, setting priorities for research in general paediatrics, motivating, support and guide trainees who wish to become general paediatricians.

Contact: Dr Marianne Leach (President) - marianneleach@nhs.net 

BAGP website

British Association of Perinatal Medicine (BAPM)

Established in 1976, BAPM improves standards of perinatal care by supporting all those involved to optimise their skills and knowledge, promote high quality, safe and innovative practice, encourage research, and speak out for the needs of babies and their families. Anyone that works in perinatal care is welcome to join as a member.

Contact: Kate Dinwiddy (Chief Executive) BAPM@rcpch.ac.uk

BAPM website

British Inherited Metabolic Disease Group (BIMDG)

BIMDG aims to improve the provision of services for patients with inherited metabolic disorders by advancing the education of persons involved in the diagnosis, care and treatment and to promote research into the treatment of inherited metabolic disease.

Contact: Dr James Davison (Chair) via the BIMDG ontact form.

BIMDG website

British Paediatric Allergy, Immunity and Infection Group (BPAIIG)

Members of the BPAIIG are actively involved in the clinical care of children, as well as in research and development of new methods of investigation and treatment of allergic, immune and infectious conditions.

Contact: Liz Whittaker (Convenor) secretary@bpaiig.org

BPAIIG website

British Paediatric Neurology Association (BPNA)

BPNA is a professional organisation for doctors who specialise in the care of children with neurological disorders. Membership is open to those devoting the majority of their time to paediatric neurology, paediatric neurodisability and allied neurosciences.

Contact: info@bpna.org.uk

BPNA website

British Paediatric Respiratory Society (BPRS)

The BPRS is a multidisciplinary organisation which exists to promote the respiratory health of all children and to improve the health of children with respiratory disease. Membership of the Society is open to healthcare professionals who are active in the field of paediatric respiratory medicine. The objectives of the society are to advocate excellence in the provision of, and equity of access to clinical services for children with respiratory disease; to set and maintain standards of care in paediatric respiratory medicine; to promote education and training in paediatric respiratory medicine; to foster co-operation and friendship between all those involved in the care of children with respiratory disease; to promote research into paediatric respiratory disease.

Contact: Dr Julian Legg (President) secretary@bprs.co.uk

BPRS website

British Society for Paediatric and Adolescent Rheumatology (BSPAR)

BSPAR aims to advance paediatric rheumatology care in the UK and Ireland by raising the standards of clinical care, enhancing the quality of training, promoting research and promoting awareness of relevant conditions to all health professionals and the public. BSPAR supports paediatric rheumatology professionals within the UK to deliver the best care at all stages of the care pathway, improving the lives of children and adults with rheumatic and musculoskeletal disease.

Contact: Jacqui Clinch (Presidet), Jacqui.Clinch@uhbw.nhs.uk

BSPAR website

British Society for Paediatric Endocrinology and Diabetes (BSPED)

BSPED represents doctors, nurses and AHPs working in paediatric endocrinology and diabetes. BSPED aims to improve the care of children and young people with endocrine disorders and diabetes mellitus by bringing together professionals from a range of disciplines, including tertiary paediatric endocrinologists and diabetologists, general paediatricians with an interest in endocrinology and/or diabetes, researchers, nurses and other healthcare professionals involved in the care of these patients. BSPED sets the standards for specialist medical training in paediatric endocrinology and diabetes and develop national guidelines and recommendations for the management of common endocrine and diabetes conditions. BSPED is an active participant in NICE consultations for guidelines and technology assessments and also produce a wide range of information for children, young people and their families, working closely with many different patient support groups.

Contact: Dr Tabitha Randell (Chair) Bsped@endocrinology.org

BSPED website

British Society for Paediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition (BSPGHAN)

BSPGHAN is the national, professional and academic society which represents specialty colleagues working for infants, children and young people with digestive and liver disorders. BSPGHAN is a society that brings colleagues together from a range of professional disciplines. BSPGHAN provides professional leadership, promotes standards of care for children with gastrointestinal, liver and nutritional diseases, and supports research, training and education for members in order to help facilitate its delivery. BSPGHAN’s membership is renowned for its friendliness and inclusivity. Membership stands at around 500 members, comprising consultants and specialist trainees in paediatric gastroenterology, hepatology and nutrition, affiliated health care professionals such as specialist dieticians, nurses, pharmacists, clinical psychologists and scientists. BSPGHAN has professional groups and working parties to advocate for the key issues that the patients face.

Contact: Dr Keith Lindley (President) secretary@bspghan.org.uk

BSPGHAN website

Children's Surgery Forum (CSF)

CSF is a Royal College of Surgeons of England (RCS) committee with membership and work involving a wide range of stakeholders including professional associations, patient representatives and the Department of Health. The principal role of CSF is to enable RCS to meet its commitment to improving the quality of surgical care for children.

Contact: Dr Shailinder Singh (Chair) shailinderjitsingh@gmail.com

CSF website

Children's Cancer and Leukaemia Group (CCLG)

CCLG is the national association of healthcare professionals involved in the treatment and care of children and younger teenagers with cancer.

CCLG website

Paediatric Critical Care Society (PCCS)

PCCS is a professional, multi-disciplinary, membership organisation representing the interests of those delivering paediatric critical care in the UK. In 2020, the Paediatric Intensive Care Society (PICS) changed its name to PCCS to reflect the changing nature of the speciality and in recognition of the clinical reality that many members work across the spectrum of paediatric critical care.

Contact: Contact: Dr Carli Whittaker (President) via the PCCS contact form.

PCCS website

2. About Special Interest Groups

Special Interest Groups (SIGs) are independent bodies that represent diverse interests, including:

  • a clinical specialty too small to yet have its own independent paediatric training pathway.
  • a paediatric clinical specialty of another branch of medicine training such as radiology or anaesthesia for which is the responsibility of another Medical Royal College.
  • wider aspects of the paediatric culture.
  • non-clinical paediatric practice.

Association of Child Death Review Professionals (ACDRP)

The Association of Child Death Review Professionals (ACDRP) is an independent, multi-agency network of child death review professionals. The group aims to raise the standards and consistency of Child Death Review processes across the country, to provide support and guidance for child death review professionals and to work in partnership with other agencies, organisations and networks to advocate changes to policy affecting potential deaths in children.

Contact: Joanne Garstang (Chair) uk.acdrp@nhs.net

ACDRP website - You will need to log in. If you have an nhs.net or gov.uk email address, you can auto-register. If not, your registration might need to be approved. For further information please contact ACDRP.

Association of Paediatric Anaesthetists of Great Britain and Ireland (APAGBI)

APAGBI represents the speciality of paediatric anaesthesia for Great Britain and Ireland and exists to set and promote the highest standards in anaesthesia for children.

Contact: Dr Sumit Das (Honorary secretary) secretary@apagbi.org.uk

APAGBI website

British and Irish Paediatric Pathology Association (BRIPPA)

BRIPPA is a professional association of medical doctors who specialise in the investigation of the pathology of diseases of foetuses, infants and children in Great Britain and the Republic of Ireland. This includes surgical pathology of tissues from live children, autopsy examination of fetuses, infants and children and examination of placentas from live babies

Contact via the BRIPPA contact form.

BRIPPA website

British Association for Child and Adolescent Public Health (BACAPH)

BACAPH (previously known as the Child Public Health Interest Group) is a joint group of BACCH and the Faculty of Public Health. It is dedicated to the development of child public health within both paediatrics and public health. Membership is open to members of BACCH and FPH who have an interest in the subject area and to child health practitioners from other disciplines.

Contact: Ingrid Wolfe (Chair) ingrid.wolfe@gstt.nhs.uk

BACAPH website

British Association of Paediatric Surgeons (BAPS)

BAPS aims to set the standards of care of paediatric surgical practice in the UK and Ireland. BAPS was established in 1953 and endeavours to raise standards in paediatric surgery through education and research. BAPS is a registered charity, so are governed by the rules and regulations of the Charity Commission.

Contact: Dr Alexander Macdonald (Honorary secretary) honsec@baps.org.uk

BAPS website

British Association of Paediatricians in Audiology (BAPA)

BAPA represents all paediatricians with an interest in children’s hearing, and in whatever setting this is delivered. BAPA also seeks to be at the forefront of professional development in the field of audio vestibular paediatrics. BAPA works closely with the RCPCH on workforce planning, specialist training, including the development of an RCPCH SPIN (Special Interest) module in audio vestibular paediatrics and the development of competencies and standards for audio vestibular paediatrics.

Contact: Dr Jo Harris (Chair) info@bapa.org.uk

BAPA website

British Congenital Cardiac Association (BCCA)

BCCA provides a voice for cardiology and cardiac surgery within any committee or organisation making decisions, which have a bearing on the future development of the speciality. The Association aims to promote the study and care of patients with heart diseases, to support the works of specialist centres and to promote communication and co-operation between centres.

Contact: bcca@bcs.com

BCCA website

British Paediatric and Adolescent Bone Group (BPABG)

BPABG represents a group of paediatricians and paediatric endocrinologists who manage children with bone and mineral disorders. This organisation meets twice a year to discuss clinical and research updates in the field of metabolic bone disorders.

Contact: Dr Raja Padidela (Chair) raja.padidela@mft.nhs.uk

British Paediatric Sleep Society (BPSS)

Information coming soon

British Society for Allergy and Clinical Immunology (BSACI)

BSACI Paediatric Committee aims to improve the care of children with allergies and to promote the development and practice of paediatric allergy. Members are actively involved in the clinical care of children as well as in research and development of new methods of investigation and treatment of allergic disease. BSACI Paediatric Committee supports a network of regional paediatric allergy interest groups. Members have represented paediatric allergy on the development of NICE guidelines for the management of eczema, food allergy, anaphylaxis and the Health Technology Assessments for Pharmalgen and Omalizumab. Members input into BSACI guideline development through the Standards of Care Committee and help with the programme at the annual conference. BSACI Paediatric Committee is working towards improving services for adolescents with allergy, improving the transition to adult services and developing a national audit of the use of immunotherapy in children with asthma. We have developed standards for paediatric allergy services.

Contact: Prof Nick Makwana (Chair of Paediatric Allergy Committee of BSACI) nasra@bsaci.org

British Society for Paediatric and Adolescent Dermatology (BSPAD)

BPSD exists to further understanding of skin disease in children and to enhance their care by encouraging education and research in all aspects of paediatric dermatology.

Contact: Dr Tess McPherson (President) tess.mcpherson@ouh.nhs.uk

BSPD website

British Society for the History of Paediatrics and Child Health (BSHPCH)

BSHPCH seeks to explore and record the story of the development of Paediatrics and Child Health in the UK and throughout the world and of the individuals and institutions who were instrumental in these advances. BSHPCH looks as the historical understanding of the disease concepts and the social history related to children's wellbeing. BSHPCH seeks to make these lessons from history relevant to the modern practice of medicine. BSHPCH does not restrict membership to any single professional group but is open to all with an interest in childcare. The main groups at present are medical professionals and historians.

Contact: Dr Anthony Hulse (President) anthonyhulse@btinternet.com

BSHPCH website

British Society for Haematology Paediatric Special Interest Group (BSHPSIG)

The role of the BSH's Paediatric Special Interest Group is to provide education and training opportunities for haematologists who specialise in treating children with blood disorders. BSHPSIG organises national teaching, paediatric and poster sessions at annual scientific meeting and national training with Health Education England, Higher Education and Improvement Wales and NHS Education for Scotland.

Contact: Dr Philip Connor (Chair) philip.connor@wales.nhs.uk

BSHPSIG website

British Society of Paediatric Radiology (BSPR)

BSPR is a society for radiologists in the United Kingdom and Republic of Ireland with an interest in paediatric radiology.

Contact: Dr Sharon Brown (Honorary secretary) bspr.office@gmail.com

BPSR website

Child Protection Special Interest Group (CPSIG)

CPSIG was established as a forum for paediatricians working in the field of child maltreatment. The group works closely with the RCPCH Child Protection Standing Committee and organises regular regional and national study day event and develops training resources. CPSIG is open to all professionals working with children in need and in child protection. CPSIG is an interest group for all doctors who work within the field of safeguarding and child protection including named and designated doctors supporting all who work within this area. CPSIG acts as independent scrutineers and advisors when safeguarding issues arise at national, regional and local level and provide support and critical challenge to the college standing committee. CPSIG also provides training opportunities both within the College meetings and independently.

Contact: Ms Isabelle Robinson (BACCH executive officer) cpsig@rcpch.ac.uk

CPSIG website

Clinical Genetics Society

CGS was set up to bring together doctors and other professionals involved in the care of individuals and families with genetic disorders, with the following aims: to advance and promote the science and practice of Clinical Genetics; to bring together workers who have a common interest in Clinical Genetics; to understand, prevent, cure and alleviate conditions with a genetic aetiology; to publish and disseminate reports, statements, and research findings.

Contact: Dr Ellie Hay (Convenor) ellie.hay@gosh.nhs.uk

CGS website

CoramBAAF Adoption and Fostering Academy

Building on the legacy of the British Association of Adoption and Fostering, CoramBAAF is the UK's leading membership organisation for all those agencies and individuals dedicated to improving outcomes for children and young people in care. CoramBAAF supports its members across the UK and worldwide through the provision of high quality information and advice, expert knowledge, cutting edge training and resources, and unrivalled access to professional networks. CoramBAAF particularly supports medical advisers for adoption and fostering and designated and named health professionals for looked after children.

Contact: Dr Ellie Johnson (Health consultant) ellie.johnson@corambaaf.org.uk

CoramBAAF website

Down Syndrome Medical Interest Group (DSMIG)

DSMIG promotes equitable provision of medical care for people with Down syndrome disseminating information about medical aspects of the syndrome and promoting interest in its specialist management. Membership is open to all health professionals with an interest in the medical management of Down Syndrome. DSMIG works closely with affiliated organisations representing people with Down syndrome in the UK and internationally.

Contact: Dr Jill Ellis (Chair) info@dsmig.org.uk

DSMIG website

George Still Forum (GSF) - National Paediatric ADHD Network Group

GSF is a group of paediatricians dedicated to improving care and increasing awareness of ADHD in children and adolescents. It also aims to share information in relation to current issues in providing services to individuals and their families, and to bring nationwide issues to the notice of NHS commissioners.

Contact: gsfcoordinator@hotmail.co.uk

GSF website

International Child Health Group (ICHG)

ICHG is a Specialty Group of the College, with membership open to everyone with a professional interest in advancing child health internationally. ICHG boasts an international membership and continues to work in promoting all aspects of international child health, from research to advocacy.

Contact: Helen Brotherton (Chair and Convenor) intchildhealth@gmail.com

ICHG website

Neonatal and Paediatric Pharmacy Group (NPPG)

NPPG was formed with an aim to improve the care of neonates, infants and children by advancing the personal development of pharmacy professionals and the provision of quality pharmacy services in relation to practice, research and audit, education and training, communication and advice. NPPG supports paediatric pharmacists and technicians, whether it is their chosen speciality or simply an interest.

NNPG believes that education and training are central to advancing our members’ professional development and provides a range of educational resources, including webinars, study days and workbooks, to support staff across the breadth of paediatric specialties, from foundation through to consultant-level practice. NNPG supports the activity of clinical and regional sub-groups to ensure that members with similar interests are connected. NPPG also publishes position statements on topical issues as well as staffing standards.

Contact: Ms Nanna Christiansen (Chair) admin@nppg.org.uk

NPPG website

Paediatric Educators Special Interest Group (PEDSIG)

PEDSIG is a group of UK Healthcare Professionals with an interest and expertise in education. PEDSIG promotes paediatric education (undergraduate and postgraduate) and is keen to support those involved in paediatric education through meetings, social media, written resources and by building a network of paediatricians who want to inspire through great teaching and education.

Contact: Jonathan Darling (Convenor) j.c.darling@leeds.ac.uk

PEDSIG website

Paediatric Mental Health Association (PMHA)

PMHA is a multidisciplinary group of professionals including Paediatricians, Child and Adolescent Psychiatrists, Clinical Psychologists, Nurses, Physiotherapists and Occupational Therapists, who are concerned in promoting mental wellbeing alongside physical health of babies, children and young people into adulthood.

Contact: Bo Fischer (Chair); bo.fischer@whs.nhs.uk

PMHA website

Paediatricians with Expertise in Cardiology Special Interest Group (PECSIG)

PECSIG aims to enhance the training and working practices of all paediatricians working with children with heart conditions and thus improve the care for children with any cardiological condition and their families.

PECSIG website

Remote and Rural Paediatric Special Interest Group (RRPSIG)

Information coming soon

UK Paediatric Antimicrobial Stewardship Network (UK-PAS)

UK-PAS’s mission is to create a network of health professionals including doctors, nurses, pharmacists, clinical scientists, managers, commissioners and the public to exchange lessons learned from judicious antimicrobial use, to conduct local, regional and international projects destined to ensure safe and effective use of antimicrobials in neonates, children and young people and to help address the spread of antimicrobial resistance.

Contact: Dr Alicia Demirjian (Chair) alicia.demirjian@ukhsa.gov.uk

UK-PAS website

Young People's Health Special Interest Group (YPHSIG)

YPHSIG aims to raise the profile of young people's health and promote the development of high quality health services for young people in the UK.

Contact: Hannah Baynes (Convenor) hannahbaynes1@nhs.net

YPHSIG website