Get involved

Can you share your professional expertise to help improve the lives of paediatricians and child health in the UK and around the world? Explore our range of volunteering roles open for applications or enquiries. You can also read blogs and updates about volunteering with us.

Some of our current opportunities

Volunteering opportunity

Global Officer - volunteering opportunity

RCPCH Global is the humanitarian arm of RCPCH, working as a component our the organisation-wide international strategy. We are currently looking for a Global Officer to work with our RCPCH Global team.
Volunteering opportunity

Ethics and the Law Advisory Committee - volunteering opportunities

The Ethics and the Law Advisory Committee (ELAC) looks at the constantly evolving legal and ethical worlds and how they interact within the paediatric field. There is currently a position for a non-College member with an interest in Ethics and Child Health.
Volunteering opportunity

Member Trustee recruitment

Seize the opportunity to shape the future of child health and leave a lasting legacy as a Member Trustee at the College. Join an influential team at the forefront of our bold 2024-27 strategy and help us create transformative, global impact for children and families everywhere. Apply today to joi...
Volunteering opportunity

MRCPCH clinical examiner - opportunities for international members

We welcome applicants to this interesting and important opportunity to contribute to MRCPCH clinical exams around the world. We are particularly keen for applications from Egypt, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia and UAE, where there is a growing need for new examiners. We encourage applications from underr...
Colourful blocks on wooden floor

From writing questions for our assessments to being an MRCPCH Clinical examiner, supporting trainee paediatricians to joining our course faculty... We explain the varied roles available in this area.

News and blogs about volunteering


In memory of Dr Jean Bowyer

Dr Jean Bowyer, a devoted paediatrician and passionate advocate for global child health, passed away peacefully on 30 January 2025. Her remarkable career touched countless lives across the world.
President's update

Welcoming new members and looking ahead - President’s update

Steve reflects on the recent Membership Ceremony in Manchester where members, fellows, family and friends gathered to celebrate new paediatricians. There is also information on all the ways to get involved at the College and an update on the recently announced UK General Election.