Become a Senior Fellow, Senior Member or Retired Associate Member

Are you a Fellow or Member who has permanently retired, but would like to remain involved with the College and stay updated with child health developments? Continue to receive the benefits of our membership at a significantly reduced rate.

If you are not permanently retired, we have also introduced a trial retirement concession, for which current members and Fellows can apply.


  • Invitations to two special events per year, including a free day and complimentary lunch function at the RCPCH Conference and an autumn networking event attended by the President and/or Senior College Officers
  • Monthly Zoom meetings for senior members
  • Monthly email updates from the RCPCH Representative for Senior Members, Senior Fellows and Honorary Fellows
  • Milestones member magazine
  • Access to the latest news and updates on child health via regular ebulletins
  • Option to get involved in RCPCH activities through volunteering
  • Representation on Council
  • Use of the members' area at RCPCH London
  • Digital subscription to Archives of Disease in Childhood
  • CPD diary is included for those who need it in order to do voluntary work - for information, please contact
  • For Senior Members and Senior Fellows: voting rights, such as for the RCPCH President, Officers or on major changes to the College representation on Council, our governing body (see eligibility requirements in the RCPCH regulations)

Membership fees in 2025

Subscription Annual membership fee Monthly fee via Direct Debit
(UK bank accounts only)
Senior Fellowship or Senior Membership only £96


Requirements and how to change your membership type

Senior Fellowship, Senior Membership and Retired Associate Membership is offered to current Fellows, Ordinary Members and Associate Members, respectively, who are permanently and fully retired from all paid work. (See below for a new trial concession for those who are not fully retired.)

To request a change to your membership type, email or write to us with your retirement date, and whether you wish to receive Archives of Disease in Childhood.


Post: Member Services, RCPCH, 5-11 Theobald's Road, London WC1X 8SH

We can process requests within one week of receipt.

Trial retirement concession

If you are currently a Fellow, Ordinary Member or Associate member, of retirement age and have significantly reduced your working hours (to 1.5 days or fewer per week), you can now apply for trial retirement concession, introduced for 2025. This provides 40% off the membership fee.

Apply for this concession