Consultation response to Facing the Facts, Shaping the Future: A draft health and care workforce strategy for England to 2027

The RCPCH has submitted a response to Health Education England’s consultation Facing the Facts, Shaping the Future: A draft health and care workforce strategy for England to 2027.

The response covers are range of areas, including:

  • a strategy for children and young people
  • engagement
  • models of care
  • public health
  • working together with primary care
  • the integration of health and social care.

The response highlights that paediatrics is only mentioned twice in the document, and children only rarely – with little consideration of young people with ongoing health needs that are not provided by adults services.

It argues that more attention needs to be given to the development and integration of the child health workforce, training needs to be highly integrated, particularly with mental health and primary care, and that paediatrics should be included in the National Shortage Occupation List.

Other issues include the:

  • importance of engaging children and young people, the important of better data and working across the medical royal colleges
  • need for short-term increases in staffing to fill vacancies
  • importance of consulting with stakeholders on the strategy once drafted, to make sure it is safe, sensible, sustainable and realistic.