Let us know your experiences with digital skills and solutions

Advances in technology and the evolving landscape in digital medicine will help deliver the best possible care to children and young people. But how can we best do this? We're inviting members to complete surveys to help us develop a new digital healthcare programme at the College.
Woman looking at her laptop, studiously

Digital technologies in healthcare are rapidly progressing. They became essential during the COVID-19 pandemic and data-driven platforms such as mobile health applications, remote monitoring technologies and virtual consultations are increasingly available to patients and health professionals.

These technologies help shape and improve healthcare delivery and patient outcomes. All health professionals should feel confident in using them to diagnose, treat and manage conditions - but this can be challenging.

We want to identify how we can best support members with digital skills in paediatrics and child health and understand which digital solutions are used by members and the impact of these technologies on child health, as part of our forthcoming digital healthcare programme.

We have created three surveys - some of you may have completed one or two. Your responses will be confidential; they will not be shared with third parties nor published in the public domain.

Digital skills (about 15 minutes) - To help us develop digital skills roadmaps, inform curriculum design and advocate for the digital skills needs of all our members

Digital solutions (about 15 minutes) - To understand which technologies you use in your organisation and their impact on child health, and to help us develop a catalogue of digital solutions to support other members and their organisations.
Tackling health inequalities with digital technologies (about 2 minutes) - To understand how to better support members in tackling child health inequalities, as an extension of our toolkits