Milestones magazine for members - winter 2024

Finding the time... From understanding the importance of Supporting Professional Activities (SPA) to reviewing the rota gaps survey results, this issue looks at time management and how we can best support our professional and personal lives.
Illustration: Paper calendars and diaries, with hands, paint palette, glasses, coffee, and word, 'Finding the time'

We also hear from Dr Ronny Cheung, RCPCH Officer for Health Services, with an update on RCPCH’s blueprint for transformational change – while RCPCH &Us shares just what the report recommendations mean to them. 

Children and young people continue to take centre stage, as youth ambassadors report from International Adolescent Health Week and Bite Back explains how the youth activist movement is battling junk food advertising. In addition, the Powering Up team takes to the stage to champion the creative health movement.

There’s much more inside – read now and discover opportunities for introducing air pollution into the patient pathway with our poster and, for a festive bake, check out Ash’s chocolate orange shortbread recipe.

View here, download your digital copy below or look for your print edition in the post.

Milestones is published four times a year. We post the print edition to each member unless you opt-in to receive email alerts instead. If you prefer to receive emails instead of print editions, email us at and include your RCPCH number.
