Voices from the Equality, Diversity & Inclusion member group

From the joy of finding people with a common purpose to the recognition that there's still a long way to go... In this episode from our podcast, College members Segn Nedd, Nadia Audhali and Mike Farquhar share their experiences and insights as part of our EDI member reference group. 
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Natasha Neill, our Chief of Staff, introduces our three speakers from our Equality, Diversity & Inclusion member reference group. We formed this group almost two years ago to ensure the voices of members were at the heart of our Working for Change programme, and they've made huge contributions.

Segn, Nadia and Mike take turns to ask questions of the others - on why they joined the group, what has been the biggest acheivement to date and what should come next.

For me, the strength of the group is... a space where we have all felt safe to talk about some really difficult issues...

Listen here or on your favourite podcast player. You can also download a full transcript below.

You know, difference isn't always easy - but the richness and the value is from having that real eye-opening moment of seeing someone else's experience. There's definitely voices that it would be nice to have more of.
