Since 2020 we have explored several areas of work, focusing on opening up volunteer roles, working lives of Paediatricians, differential attainment and career progression, to name a few.
Here we explain our approach and governance to EDI.
Why are we doing this work?
Those working in paediatrics and child health reflect hugely diverse groups and societies but they also witness first-hand the corrosive impact of racism and discrimination on children and young people. Our members expect us to show leadership and confront these issues.
Over the last three years we have strengthened our position on many EDI issues that impact children and young people, as well as paediatricians. However there is still more work to be done and many more areas where we can better support those in need.
Our ambition is that everyone at the College - RCPCH Council, Trustees, members and College staff alike recognises and plays their role in EDI.
To assist this, we have established an approach and governance framework to manage our EDI work.
EDI Oversight Group
The EDI Oversight Group aims to ensure that EDI is embedded and coordinated across the College. It comprises three nominated senior leads: Dr Bhanu Williams as Trustee representative, Dr Camilla Kingdon as President and Robert Okunnu as Chief Executive Officer, representing staff.
In September 2023 a year-long strategic plan was launched focusing on "making EDI everybody's business". Within this plan a need was identified to recruit an EDI clinical lead who would support more of the day-to-day activity and provide a more sustainable link between members and the college. The EDI clinical lead also sits on the EDI oversight group, alongside the EDI trainee representative and the EDI project manager.
Member Reference Group (MRG)
The MRG aims to provide an avenue for members to input into our EDI work by commenting on current plans and progress and by helping to identify future priorities. They provide valuable feedback and input on the work of the College and support the EDI Oversight Group in identifying key objectives.
The MRG consists of just over 20 members at all career stages and with a diverse range of backgrounds and perspectives. In line with the 2023/24 strategic plan the frequency of MRG meetings was reduced to two meetings per year to free up capacity for our members to get more involved in the task and finish groups.
The task and finish groups focus on specific objectives set out in the strategic plan and work alongside the EDI clinical lead and EDI project manager.
Any member interested in joining either group should get in touch with us on