RCPCH Conference 2025 - Abstract submission FAQs

The RCPCH Conference Organising Committee invited abstract submissions for our next Conference, which will take place from Wednesday 26 to Friday 28 March at the SEC Glasgow.

Abstract submissions closed on Thursday 3 October 2024. If you submitted an abstract you will hear the outcome of your submission in January 2025.

Below are frequently asked questions about this process.
Repeated dynamic child in a circle icon

Submit an abstract

What are the benefits of presenting an abstract?

  • Get a citation on the online Archives of Disease in Childhood journal, event app and online programme
  • Showcase preliminary project work and gain constructive feedback to help shape future activity
  • Add to your CV and boost your chances of winning funding
  • Refine your presentation skills and promote yourself, and your institution
  • Share your knowledge - your work could make a real difference
  • Top scoring abstract authors also have the chance to present their work as a plenary talk in the main auditorium

Do I have to pay to submit? 

There is no fee for making a submission. However, if your submission is accepted (see below for presentation opportunities), the presenting author will be required to attend the conference and pay the registration fee that applies to them.

If selected for oral or physical poster presentation you must attend in person on the day that your presentation/poster display has been allocated to. If selected for ePoster presentation you can choose to attend either in person or virtually. 

What are the fees to attend the conference?

When registration opens in October 2024, you'll have the opportunity to register at the early bird rate and receive a 10% discount on the standard registration fees. 

Standard Conference fees

While registration is not currently open, you can review the proposed rates below for your reference:

Member fees 1 day 2 days 3 days
Consultants £269 £489 £689
Trainees, SAS doctors, Foundation doctors and Allied Health Professionals (inc. associate specialists, clinical fellows, staff grades etc.) £159 £289 £399
Retired members inc. Senior Fellows  £129 £239 £239*
Medical students (RCPCH Membership is free) £89 £119 £159

Non-member fee 1 day 2 days 3 days
Standard non-member fee  £329 £589 £849
Discounted non-member fee for: Advanced nurse practitioners and advanced clinical associates £159 £289 £399

*Wednesday 26 March is the Senior day which retired members, including Senior Fellows, can attend free of charge.

What are the abstract submission guidelines?

We urge all submitters to read the abstract submission guidelines before proceeding to submit your abstract. These include information about what to consider, structure and content of the abstract, references, consent, author listings and review process.

How do I submit my abstract?

All abstracts must be submitted online via the abstract management portal on Eventsforce. You will need to create an Eventsforce user account in order to submit. We will not accept any submissions by email. Abstract submission is being managed by our delivery partners Wonderly, part of the Haymarket Media Group.

Again, before submitting an abstract, please ensure that you have carefully read the abstract submission guidelines.

What are the presentation opportunities?

At the time of submission, you will be asked to select your presentation preference. The options are ePoster, physical poster, both physical and ePoster or oral presentation. There is also the option to select 'Any'. You will also be asked to submit your abstract to a specialty category (these are listed below). If your abstract is accepted, the organisers from your chosen specialty category will decide which format it will take and will cater to your preference where appropriate and possible.

ePoster presentation 

Delegates will be able to send you questions about your poster through the virtual platform and app. ePoster presenters will have the option to chat with delegates via messaging, discussion boards and even through video calls. ePosters will be accessible for six months after the Conference, maximising the amount of time delegates have to engage with your work. Full details and poster templates will be sent following acceptance.

ePoster presenters have the option to attend either in person or to select the virtual attendance option. 

Physical poster presentation

You will be able to present your work, meet fellow poster presenters and delegates and answer their questions in person. Full details and a poster template will be sent following acceptance. Physical posters will be displayed in the Exhibition Hall in designated zones.

You will be responsible for:

  • producing your poster (A0)
  • sourcing a supplier to print your poster
  • bringing the poster with you to the venue
  • putting your poster up to be displayed in the designated zone
  • removing your poster from the venue

Physical poster presenters will be required to attend the Conference in person on the day the poster has been allocated to.

Both ePoster and Physical poster presentation

You will have the option to present your ePoster through the virtual platform and app but also a physical poster in person in Glasgow. The presenter will be required to attend the Conference in person on the day the poster has been allocated to. The presenter is not required to book on separately for virtual attendance as they will already have access to the conference app.

Oral presentation

If selected for oral presentation, you will present your abstract at the specialty group session which it has been submitted to. The time and date of your presentation will be included in your notification email in late January. 

Oral presenters will be required to attend the Conference in person and there is no option for presenters to dial in so the 'presenting' author must be able to attend in person on the allocated day. 

Plenary presentation

You do not have the option select 'plenary presentation' as a preferred option as these are selected by the Conference Organising Committee. The top scoring abstract from each group will be reviewed by the Committee who will then select nine for the coveted plenary presentation slots. This is an exciting opportunity for authors to present their work to the main auditorium during the plenary sessions. Those selected for plenary presentation will be required to attend in person.

What are the specialty categories I can submit to?

Association of Paediatric Emergency Medicine

APEM is a charity affiliated to the RCPCH, promoting excellence, training and research into Paediatric Emergency Medicine. The Association of Paediatric Emergency Medicine would like to read about any work that has made a difference to the acute/emergency care pathway for children and young people.

Association of Paediatric Palliative Medicine

APPM represents all doctors, nurses and allied health care professionals who are involved in providing Palliative care to children and young people with life-limiting or life-threatening conditions, across the UK and Ireland. Our work involves leading in symptom management, advance care planning and end of life care, as well as supporting children, young people and their families across all the health care settings where they may be. This includes support ranging from antenatal referrals, to ICU admissions to liaising with community or hospice teams, and everything in between.

British Academy of Childhood Disability

BACD is a membership organisation open to all professionals working in the field of childhood disability. This includes paediatricians, mental health professionals, specialist nurses, allied health professionals, and professionals working in the education and social care sectors. BACD operates as an affiliate group of the British Association of Community Child Health, a specialty group of the Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health, and as the UK branch of the European Academy of Childhood Disability.

British Association for Community Child Health

BACCH is the professional membership organisation for doctors and other professionals working in paediatrics and child health in the community.

British Association for Paediatric Nephrology

BAPN is a division of The Renal Association. The group welcomes abstracts relating to working or training in renal units, caring for patients with kidney disease, and renal research to improve patient care in the future. BAPN is open to all professionals working towards improving the care and lives of children with kidney diseases.

British Association of Child and Adolescent Public Health

BACAPH welcomes abstracts relating to improving the health and well-being of CYP by reducing inequities and unacceptable variations in health and care that affect children and families and using resources wisely and ethically, supporting sustainable development to secure the health and wellbeing of future generations too.

British Association of General Paediatrics

BAGP is committed to amplifying the voice of General Paediatricians and impacting the work and outcomes in General Paediatrics. We collaborate closely with GAPRUKI (General and Adolescent Paediatric Research in the UK and Ireland), promoting research in General Paediatrics.

We welcome abstracts about any work, Quality improvement projects, or research addressing issues impacting General Paediatrics, for example, improving new models of care, developing training and workforce, supporting high clinical standards, including integration of physical and mental health, impacting systems and inequalities, or/and working in partnership with Children, Young People, and Families (CYPF). The submissions can represent work relevant to acute and general paediatricians in different settings, such as inpatients, outpatients, ambulatory and emergency care, and integrated care services within District General Hospitals or Teaching Hospitals with specialist acute and general paediatric teams.

British Association of Paediatricians in Audiology

Inaugurated in 2007, BAPA is an association of paediatricians practising audio-vestibular (AV) medicine. BAPA represents all paediatricians who share an interest in children’s hearing seeks to be at the forefront of professional development in the field of paediatric AV medicine. We have an additional role as a special interest group of the Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health (RCPCH). With the College, we help with workforce planning, specialist training and development of competencies and standards for the paediatric speciality of AV medicine. We would welcome abstract submissions – to be considered –  with a paediatric audiology theme for the upcoming RCPCH annual conference.

British Association of Perinatal Medicine and Neonatal Society

BAPM aims to improve standards in perinatal care by supporting those involved to optimise their skills and knowledge, promote high quality, safe and innovative practice, encourage research, and speak out for the needs of babies and their families.  We are a membership organisation representing over 2300 perinatal professionals and stakeholders including neonatal and obstetric doctors, nurses, ANNPs, midwives, managers, allied health professionals and parents. By contributing to BAPM’s work programme you can change the way perinatal care is delivered in the future.

British Inherited Metabolic Disease Group

BIMDG is a professional organisation for clinicians and allied specialists caring for children with rare inherited disorders. These disorders affect normal cellular biochemical homeostasis. While the individual frequency of each is often exceedingly rare, given that there are more than a thousand such genetic disorders, their combined incidence is significant. This diversity creates diagnostic challenges. Management of these conditions is also complex and requires a truly multidisciplinary team working. Metabolic medicine is a cutting-edge specialty which is very research driven. Better understanding of these rare disorders and advancing the development of the new treatments are essential for the improvement of clinical outcomes for patients and families.

British Paediatric Allergy Immunity and Infection Group

BPAIIG encompasses health professionals working and training in allergy, immunology and infections. We welcome abstracts for original research, case presentations, case series, audits or review of topics relevant to allergies, infections and immunodeficiencies in children and young people. Every year we receive high numbers of high quality abstracts from all over the UK and the World and are always very excited to hear what is going on where you work. This is a great opportunity to present your work to general and specialty paediatricians, our sessions always attract very high numbers of participants.

British Paediatric and Adolescent Bone Group

BPABG represents clinicians, specialist nurses and allied health professionals who look after children and adolescents with bone and mineral disorders. This group is actively involved in research and training and will accept abstracts in relation to metabolic bone disorders.

British Paediatric Neurology Association

BPNA is the professional organisation for clinicians who specialise in the care of children with neurological disorders. The BPNA is aiming to promote the health and well-being of children with neurological disorders through training and education of professionals working in the field of neurosciences, research into neurological disorders affecting children & young people, improvement of knowledge of professionals, the public and patients and their families through scientific meetings and providing support to members to facilitate the delivery of the above objectives. BPNA welcomes abstracts relating to the care of children with neurological disorders, paediatric neurodisability and allied neurosciences.

British Paediatric Respiratory Society

BPRS is a multidisciplinary organization comprising over 400 active members, dedicated to promoting the respiratory health of all children and enhancing the care of those with respiratory diseases. BPRS members look after children with a wide range of respiratory ailments at all stages of childhood. These include chronic lung disease of prematurity ,chronic conditions like Asthma and Cystic fibrosis, rare lung diseases (cHILD) as well as congenital airway and lung malformations. Our specialty works in close liaison with colleagues in other specialties, most notably in paediatric critical care, cardiology, gastroenterology, immunology, and neurology to provide holistic and comprehensive care. These interdisciplinary partnerships are crucial in managing the complex and multifaceted health needs of children with respiratory conditions, ensuring that every aspect of their health is addressed through coordinated and integrated care strategies.

We are strong advocates for health promotion and disease prevention in areas that impact respiratory health, such as air pollution, tobacco smoke, and vaping.

British Society for Paediatric and Adolescent Dermatology

BSPAD is a special interest group of the British Association of Dermatology (BAD) which is a professional interest group for children and young people with skin conditions (including hair).

British Society for Paediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology & Nutrition

BSPGHAN is the national, professional and academic society which represents specialty colleagues working for infants, children and young people with digestive and liver disorders.

British Society for Rheumatology

BSR is the leading UK specialist medical society for rheumatology and musculoskeletal care professionals. We support our members to deliver the best care at all stages of the care pathway, improving the lives of children and adults with rheumatic and musculoskeletal disease.

British Society for the History of Paediatrics and Child Health

The BSHPCH is looking for abstracts dealing with the history of childhood illness and treatment, historical aspects of child health including social and educational issues and biographical accounts of paediatric and other pioneers involved in childcare. However, other topics of historical interest within this general framework would be welcome.

British Society of Paediatric Endocrinology and Diabetes

BSPED welcomes abstracts relating to improving the care of children and young people with endocrine disorders and diabetes mellitus. They bring together professionals from a range of disciplines, including tertiary paediatric endocrinologists and diabetologists, general paediatricians with an interest in endocrinology and/or diabetes, researchers, nurses and other healthcare professionals involved in the care of these patients.

Child Protection Special Interest Group

CPSIG welcomes abstracts relating to emerging themes in child protection and safeguarding, in particular issues impacting vulnerable children and young people, and exploring the latest Child Protection evidence.

Children's Cancer and Leukaemia Group

CCLG is the UK’s professional body for paediatric oncology. Submitted abstracts should be focussed on paediatric oncology research and/or topics useful to paediatric oncology practice in the UK including in shared care centres.

Climate Change Working Group

We are a group of 80 passionate College members working to deliver the RCPCH Climate Change Action Plan. Children are among the most vulnerable to the health risks of climate change and we’re looking at what we can all do to both mitigate and adapt to climate change for the benefit of future generations. Our ambitions for tackling climate change are broad, covering advocating for change in the UK and internationally, research into the impact of climate change on children and young people, achieving net zero in the NHS, initiatives to make paediatrics more sustainable, and talking to patients and families about this topic. We welcome abstracts from across any of these areas.

Down Syndrome Medical Interest Group

The UK DSMIG is a network of doctors and allied health professionals whose aim is to ensure equitable provision of medical care for all people with Down syndrome in the UK and Republic of Ireland.

DSMIG has developed and continually update relevant resources and guidelines for basic essential medical surveillance, key points and awareness notes, Personal child health record insert, Growth charts and articles etc. relevant to Down Syndrome. We also have an active role in national policy development. DSMIG collaborates closely with the Down Syndrome Association.

Ethics and Law Advisory Committee

The ELAC will this year be hosting our special interest session. The group welcomes members from across the child health team whether paediatricians, nurses, allied health professionals, general practitioners, surgeons or others. Non-healthcare members including those involved in child health law, bioethics and other professions involved in the ethical and legal issues pertaining to children are also most welcome.

Abstracts on issue involving ethics or law in paediatrics and child health are welcome.

Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Member Reference Group

The EDI Member Reference Group is a group of 20 College members who have experience and/or interest in all matters relating to EDI. They are a passionate and driven group who have helped shape the RCPCH’s EDI strategy over the last 3 years. They provide valuable insight on the most important matters affecting Paediatricians and their experiences while in training and in the workplace, as well as advocating for better outcomes for children and young people affected by health inequalities. The group welcomes abstracts about initiatives or projects to create more inclusive environments, tackle health inequalities and improve the working lives of paediatricians.

George Still Forum – ADHD and related neurodevelopmental disorder group

George Still Forum was founded in 2006 by Paediatricians who found themselves looking  after children with developmental-behavioural difficulties. George Still Forum is an academic platform by Community Paediatricians for their further education in the field of ADHD and related subjects like Autism, Sleep Problems in children, related Neuroscience, Child Development and Child Psychology.

Over the years there has been significant advancements in the understanding of the condition, its aetiology, pathology and management. The Forum has propagated knowledge to all professionals working with children through conferences. We have made contribution in the development of NICE guidelines. We have also been linked with International Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry , Royal College of Psychiatry and American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry.

Our mission remains encouraging professionals of all backgrounds working in the field of Developmental Paediatrics to come together and share their work/experience for the ultimate benefit of the children out in the community.

International Child Health Group

ICHG is a special interest group for paediatricians and child health professionals with an interest in improving global child health. ICHG advocates for improved child health globally (including displaced children in UK) with activities to promote education and training of the global child health leaders of tomorrow. We welcome abstract submissions on all paediatric sub-specialities and public health topics which have a global child health focus.

Designing and delivering outstanding health services for children and young people

This session covers key issues, best practice, and innovations related to planning, designing and delivering high-quality child health services.

The group welcomes abstracts relating to issues that matter for health services and to paediatric clinical leaders, including on service design, clinical leadership, workforce, quality improvement, and engaging with children and young people.

Alongside a wide range of presentations, this session will include the popular ‘clinical leaders debate’ which is intended to be a light-hearted debate and discussion on a topical issue for paediatric services.

Paediatric Critical Care Society

PCCS welcomes abstracts relating to paediatric intensive care, transport and high dependency care as well as operational delivery networks.

Paediatric Educators' Special Interest Group

PEdSIG is a group of healthcare professionals with an interest in paediatric education.

PEdSIG is all about promoting paediatric education (undergraduate and postgraduate). We are keen to support those involved in paediatric education through meetings, social media, written resources and by building a network of paediatricians who want to inspire through great teaching and education. Through our link with the College, we aim to influence and contribute to the wider paediatric education agenda.

We also promote educational research and scholarship in paediatrics through our conferences, grants and mentorship network.

Paediatric Mental Health Association

PMHA is a group of paediatricians and associated professionals who work to improve the care of young peoples’ mental health. This includes training and education, advocacy and policy. We are working to implement the “Parity of Esteem” principle into practice. We aim to work with young people from a holistic point of view, taking into account a bio-psycho-social model and working with the wider multidisciplinary team, families and community. We also discuss complex issues and legal and ethical dilemmas in this field.

British Society of Haematology

BSH welcomes abstracts related to blood disorders and haematological and oncological malignancies.

Paediatricians with Expertise in Cardiology Special Interest Group

The Paediatricians with Expertise in Cardiology SIG accepts a large number of high quality abstracts each year. They welcome abstracts from paediatricians, neonatologists, paediatric cardiologists, trainees, medical students, cardiac nurse specialists and echo technicians related to paediatric cardiology.

Quality Improvement and Patient Safety

The group welcomes abstracts relating to quality improvement, developing solutions for children and young people, and their families.

Trainee Committee

We welcome abstracts about research or projects that have impacted on the training, education, career prospects, quality of life or wellbeing of postgraduate doctors in training in paediatrics, as well as about imaginative projects done by paediatric trainees. If it's done by paediatric doctors in training or for paediatric doctors in training, we want to hear about it!

We are committed to improving satisfaction and success in training for our colleagues and peers, and we want to hear about your research, your initiatives, and your experiences. We have a particular interest in inclusion, equality and diversity. Send us your abstracts! Previous sessions have included projects to involve junior doctors in research; "stepping up" sessions and initiatives to improve exam or interview success; multicentre audits run by doctors in training; schemes designed by international medical graduates for international medical graduates; wellbeing projects; experiences of doctors with disabilities.

Young People's Health Special Interest Group

The YPHSIG aims to raise the profile of young people's health and promote the development of high quality health services for young people in the UK. We are an association of the Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health and membership is open to paediatricians and other healthcare professionals working with young people.

What are the key dates?

Submission deadline Thursday 3 October, 23:59 GMT
Notification of outcome of submission Week of 21 January
Deadline to confirm acceptance and presenting author  Monday 27 January
Deadline for presenting author to register   Monday 3 February

Where are the abstracts published?

All submissions that are accepted for presentation will be published in the online supplement and the online publication of our journal, Archives of Disease in Childhood.

How do I withdraw my abstract?

If you need to withdraw your abstract, you will need to contact our delivery partners Wonderly, part of the Haymarket Media Group at rcpch.submissions@haymarket.com. Please quote your full abstract title and abstract ID number in any communications with them, as this will help locate your submission.

Submit an abstract