In September 2024, we responded to the Health, Social Care and Sport Committee's call for views on the draft amendments ahead of the formal Stage 2 proceedings of the National Care Service Bill. Below is a short summary, with our full response available in the downloads section.
Following proceedings at Stage 1 and the agreement that the National Care Service Bill required to be substantially amended, Scottish Ministers have submitted proposed amendments for Stage 2. We responded to the Health, Social Care and Sport Committee at the Scottish Parliament's call for views on the amendments ahead of the formal Stage 2 proceedings.
Our response
Our response focussed on the Scottish Government's approach to include children's services within the National Care Service. In our response we highlighted that:
- We require greater overall clarity and information on the proposals to include children’s services.
- We urge the Scottish Government to carry out further consultation with children, young people, and the professionals working across children’s services.
- We urge the Scottish Government to carefully consider the repercussions of including children’s services in this way for children and young, their families and the professionals working across these services.
- We would like further information on whether a Children’s Rights and Wellbeing Impact Assessment has been carried out on the amendments proposed by the Minister and, if so, what the results of this were.