We've been speaking with children and young people across the country - they have some messages for you.
Thank you so much to the NHS for all your hard work.
The best doctor is informed about national and local support services for children and young people, signposting and engaging with them.
NHS are caring and life saviours. Their staff don’t give up! People are feeling happy for NHS. NHS are important because they save lives. NHS are professional and helpful. HUG! Thanks!
You always help people to get better and you are like amazing fair. Don’t give up, please keep going.
You are hard working. You save thousands of lifes. You never give up, it’s your passion. You recover patients like a fairy. We all are so grateful because of you all. Keep calm and never give up.
Thanks to young people from RCPCH &Us, Central Beds Youth Voice and Heathlands Deaf School for sharing their thanks with us.