The total bursary amounts to £2,000 per year, which may be divided between more than one submission. The amount awarded to each individual applicant will be decided based on the strength of the submission.
To quickly process applications, a 'rapid response' team of experienced clinicians assesses applications and approves funding where appropriate.
If you have had an abstract accepted for presentation, please download the travel fellowship form below. Return by email to to Dr Lana O'Hara, SPS Secretary, on lana.o’
I would like to say a big thank you to the Scottish Paediatric Society for awarding me a travel scholarship to present at the European Congress on Emergency Medicine 2014 in Amsterdam. The bursary provides trainees with financial support to present their work at international meetings.
I presented an eposter, Paediatric emergency care: what airway skills should we teach trainees? I also presented at the Research from the Young Scientist top scoring abstracts session, The use of the video laryngoscope compared with a standard laryngoscope for the intubation of children by infrequent users.
The conference was an excellent opportunity to learn about research taking place in other parts of the world and attend inspiring talks. Highlights for me included lectures on risk management, guerilla sim and the European Resuscitation Council's update, Children save lives.