Provides essential background preparation for the MRCPCH Theory and Science exam. It contains an up-to-date review of the application of science to everyday paediatric clinical practice, whether it is interpreting clinical signs or investigations, prescribing drugs or identifying best management.
Although this understanding is essential in order to make informed clinical decisions, it is difficult to obtain as it is not usually covered in clinical textbooks.
“...innovative and original in assisting the reader to apply the principles of science to paediatric practice”
Key features
- MRCPCH exam format questions embedded in each chapter to test understanding
- Emphasis on embryology to explain many congenital abnormalities
- An overview of the relevant anatomy and physiology
- Focus on the application and interpretation of investigations
- Examples of recent advances in science and clinical research that have benefited the children’s care
- All clinical specialties covered by paediatric specialists
- Chapters covering evidence-based paediatrics, statistics, ethics and quality improvement
Table of contents
- Introduction - The important role of science and research in paediatrics
- Epidemiology and public health
- History and examination
- Normal child development
- Developmental problems and the child with special needs
- Paediatric emergencies and critical care
- Accidents and poisoning
- Child protection
- Genetics
- Perinatal medicine
- Neonatal medicine
- Growth and puberty
- Nutrition
- Gastroenterology
- Infection and immunity
- Allergy
- Respiratory medicine
- Cardiology
- Nephrology
- Genitalia
- Hepatology
- Oncology
- Haematology
- Emotions and behaviour
- Dermatology
- Diabetes and endocrinology
- Musculoskeletal disorders
- Neurology
- Metabolic medicine
- Ophthalmology
- Hearing and balance
- Adolescent medicine
- Global child health
- Palliative medicine
- Ethics
- Pharmacology and therapeutics
- Clinical research
- Statistics
- Evidence based paediatrics
- Quality improvement and the clinician