Jonathan Darling became Vice President for Education and Professional Development on 24 May 2021.
Jonathan is Clinical Associate Professor in Paediatrics and Child Health and Medical Education at the University of Leeds, and Honorary Consultant General Paediatrician at the Leeds Children’s Hospital at Leeds General Infirmary. He graduated in medicine from the University of Manchester in 1986, and then did paediatric training in Manchester, Oxford, London, Melbourne and Leeds. During this period, he did an MD in international child health, which included a year in Tanzania. He became a consultant in 1998. He has been a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy since 2007.
He is Designated Doctor for safeguarding children for the Leeds Clinical Commissioning Group, and also Director of Student Support for the Leeds School of Medicine. He previously led the Leeds Undergraduate Paediatric course, was Head of Year Four of the Leeds MBChB and was convenor for the Paediatric Educators’ Special Interest Group (PEdSIG) of the RCPCH.
He has a particular interest in paediatric education, including valuing the voice of the child in assessment. He has been external examiner and reviewer for other UK medical courses. He is co-author of the paediatric textbook, Lecture Notes: Paediatrics.