National Clinical Impact Awards (NCIA) for Paediatrics

The Advisory Committee on Clinical Impact Awards (ACCIA) runs the national scheme for the Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC) in England, and provides governance for the awards for the Welsh Government in Wales. Health ministers agree a limited number (up to 600) of new awards each year and the selection process is very competitive.

Three levels of award are available in England, from lowest to highest: National 1, National 2 and National 3 (N1, N2, N3). In Wales, a lower level (National 0) also exists. The awards are held by the successful applicants for 5 years and have an annual, non-pensionable value of £10,000 (N0), £20,000 (N1), £30,000 (N2), £40,000 (N3).


You must submit your online National Clinical Impact Awards application to ACCIA by 17:00 on 15 April 2024. You will not be able to apply after this regardless of the reason why you missed the deadline.

ACCIA has published a timetable for the National Clinical Impact Awards 2024 round; however, ACCIA can review the timetable and make minor changes any time.  

4 March to 15 April 2024 (17:00)

Applications open
January 2025 Notifications sent to successful applicants, and finance processes initiated to back pay awards
January to February 2025 Appeals window open

Who can apply

You can apply for a new award at any time after you have completed a full year in an eligible role as a fully registered medical practitioner. Further details about the eligibility are available on the NCIA applicants’ quick guidance.

If you already hold a Clinical Excellence Award granted under the old scheme, transitional arrangements apply in England between the old and the new schemes.

How to register and apply

You can register on the ACCIA online portal at any time, but you will only be able to start your application once the window opens on 4 March 2024.

If registering for the first time, select New to the system | Register and complete the form as a Contact of an Existing Employer. If your employer is not listed, contact You will receive an email with your login details and be asked to create a password. (Please note RCPCH has no access to the ACCIA’s online portal.)

Your application needs to show what you have delivered that has had an impact at a national level, over and above the expectations defined in your job plan.

There are five domains, against which you should explain your contributions with supporting evidence:

  1. Developing and delivering a high-quality service
  2. Improving the NHS through leadership
  3. Education, training, and people development
  4. Innovation and research
  5. Additional impact - in which you can provide other evidence, particularly if it relates to published NHS or other relevant health objectives.

In all of the domains, you should consider providing evidence of national impact relating to equality, diversity and inclusion.

You must not repeat information from other domains. Duplicated evidence will not be scored. 

How the level of the award is decided

ACCIA has a single online application form for all awards, so every applicant can highlight their contributions in the same way. Based on the strength of applications, ACCIA’s regional sub-committees and ACCIA’s main committee will recommend applicants for national awards to health ministers to approve. The level of award recommended depends on the scores given by their committees after careful review of the evidence in each application. The relative ranking of all applicants determines who gains which award level based on the number of awards available at each award level.

Applicants' guide: 2024 awards round - GOV.UK (

Can RCPCH support my application?

No. In the prior NCEA and current NCIA schemes, accredited Membership Organisations (MOs) such as RCPCH could provide a limited number of citations to support applicants. However, the Main Advisory Committee on Clinical Impact Awards (ACCIA) announced to change the way in which MOs interact with the NCIA process from 2023.

As a result of this change, member organisations (MOs), previously known as national nominating organisations (NNOs), will no longer provide citations and rankings to a selected number of applicants.

RCPCH can no longer provide members with citations in support of their NCIA applications.

Tips for your NCIA application

  • For each domain, refer to the national impact of your work. If there is international impact, explain the direct benefit to NHS' reputation or to the wider UK health economy
  • Include specific dates for each evidence you use
  • Include different evidence and detail for each of the five domains. Repetition is not recommended as you can only gain a score for a specific activity once
  • Provide evidence only from the last five years and date all the evidence
  • Have a job plan that is clear, both in terms of time allocated and employer, particularly for a clinical academic who has both University and NHS responsibilities
  • Explain all acronyms and abbreviations
  • As an applicant, you can receive support from as many Membership Organisations (MOs) as you wish. That includes this webpage and other RCPCH resources, and resources from other MOs. You should indicate which organisations you sought advice from
  • Remember that MOs (including RCPCH) cannot provide citations to applicants 
  • ACCIA has given an example for Domain 2: Leadership, which you may find helpful - you can download the leadership domain example below
  • ACCIA has published successful personal statements from 2022 round as examples on the ACCIA webpage – this can help you understand what has been considered successful in the past

Any questions?

You should find everything you need to help you on the ACCIA home page – and if you have any questions that are not covered, you can contact ACCIA at

If you have any questions for the RCPCH team please contact – we will answer them if we can!