Become a Fellow (by election)

Fellowship is the pinnacle of RCPCH membership. It recognises practitioners who have completed their specialist training and celebrates their contribution to paediatrics and child health.

Fellowship by election is available to those members who can demonstrate examples of distinction and provide letters of support from two current RCPCH Fellows. Our current deadline to apply is Monday 9 December. See more on Fellowship benefits and how to apply.


If you are working in a substantive, non-training post, you can apply as a Fellow via election. You'll join a community of 3,000 Fellows at RCPCH and access a number of benefits (listed below). Fellowship is also required if you wish to stand for a senior College role such as President or Vice President.

To apply for Fellowship via election, you will need to provide signed letters of support from two current RCPCH Fellows and to meet criteria such as:

  • several first-named articles in international peer reviewed journals
  • national service development leadership roles, which will be judged on what is thought to be achievable locally
  • being an Examiner Elect for the College.

(If you are on the GMC or IMC specialist register in paediatrics, you can apply for Fellowship by registration.)

Benefits of Fellowship

  • Use of FRCPCH designation
  • FRCPCH lapel pin
  • Fellowship certificate
  • Voting rights, such as for the RCPCH President, Officers or on major changes to the College representation on Council, our governing body (see eligibility requirements in the RCPCH regulations)
  • Representation on Council
  • Regional support
  • Use of the members’ room in RCPCH London office
  • Opportunities to apply for senior College posts, including President and Vice President
  • Exclusive Fellowship events
  • TOTUM PRO eligibility

Resources and communications:

  • Digital subscription to Archives of Disease in Childhood journal
  • Milestones, quarterly magazine
  • Monthly members' eBulletin
  • Full access to the Child Protection Portal, including the Companion and other resources

Professional development:

  • Continuing professional development (CPD) tools and advice (£205 to non-members)
  • Revalidation support
  • Reduced fees for the RCPCH Conference and other courses and events

Membership fees for Fellowship in 2025

Country of residence Annual fee
UK £652 (£54.33 per month by Direct Debit for UK bank accounts holders)
Rest of Europe and North America £437
Rest of world (middle upper income) £296
Rest of world (middle lower income) £235

    Application process and requirements

    Before applying, please read the membership bye-laws and regulations.

    You need to:

    The deadline for the current of applications is Monday 9 December 2024. Applicants will receive a notification of their application outcome by 6 January 2025.

    Guidance for applicants

    Before you submit your application, ensure you have:


    • Completed application form with supporting statement (maximum 500 words) explaining how your experience and achievements demonstrate the contribution you have made to paediatrics and child health - download the form from the bottom of this page
    • Two letters of support from proposers who must be current RCPCH Fellows - see next section

    Evidence of distinction

    • At least three years working in a substantive, non-training post
    • Postgraduate qualification in paediatrics and child health or an allied specialty, eg MRCPCH, DCH, PHD, MD
    • Publications and journal articles on which you are a first-named author in international peer reviewed journals, such as Archives of Disease in Childhood. You should list three most important publications in your application
    • Contribution to other publications, eg books, educational materials, information for parents and families, etc.
    • Invited lectures and presentations at national or international meetings
    • Contribution to the work of major national  or international organisations and/or charities working with children, eg UNICEF, Save The Children
    • Work for parent/carer organisations
    • Service improvement/quality improvement (QI) initiatives
    • Local leadership roles
    • Leadership of paediatric or child health organisations and/or /paediatric specialty groups
    • Undergraduate and postgraduate teaching and education work
    Guidance for proposers

    If you are asked to write a letter of support for a candidate who is applying for Fellowship by election, please include the following information about yourself:

    • Your full name
    • You RCPCH number or email address for identity verification
    • Letterhead of employing organisation/NHS Trust
    • Signature
    • Name of candidate

    There is no template for what you need to include within your letter. You do not need to include information about what the candidate has achieved in their career, but you should feel confident in the candidate’s clinical abilities and suitability to undertake activities associated with Fellowship, such as examining for the College or taking on other formal roles.

    Contact us

    For more information or help, contact us on

    Log in to apply for Fellowship by election