Our new and improved online RCPCH Archive Catalogue is here

Our historical archive catalogue has been upgraded! Including all College archive records that are publicly accessible, this online tool now has a clearer layout and new ways of searching. We give a taster of what you can find.
Screenshot of RCPCH Archive Catalogue

The catalogue is available at the same link as before: https://rcpch.adlibhosting.com.

You can use the catalogue to search for any archive records that are publicly accessible. Our archive holds a rich collection of over 5,000 records, charting not only the history of the College, but also the wider history of children's medicine, child health and social policy, and medical education. Collections include:

  • Annual General Meetings, Committees and RCPCH Council
  • Awards, Lectureships and Fellowships
  • Activities relating to the education and training of paediatricians
  • Historical College publications: reports, policy statements, research and clinical audits
  • Legal and constitutional records
  • Biographical information about paediatricians
  • Documentation on specific child health cases

There's more information about our archive and how to use the catalogue on our archive page. You can also read about the College's history.

Here's a taste of the records we have in the archives

The foundation of the British Paediatric Association
Minutes from the inaugural meeting of the BPA, February 1928
RCPCH Archive Reference: RCPCH-004-001-005
Minutes from the inaugural meeting of the BPA, Feb 1928

Twenty-four paediatricians were invited to the first meeting, but only six were able to attend. Nonetheless, absent doctors were elected to positions in the Executive Committee, including James Spence, namesake of the James Spence Medal.

Booklet of Rules, Officers and Members of the BPA, 1928-29
RCPCH Archive Reference: RCPCH-004-001-009
Rules, Officers and Members of the BPA, 1928-29

In its first year, the objects of the association were described as “the advancement of the study of Paediatrics and the promotion of friendship among Paediatricians.”

Paediatricians during the Second World War
Extract from document on a Suggested National Emergency Paediatric Service
RCPCH Archive Reference: RCPCH-007-001
Suggested National Emergency Paediatric Service, 1939

The BPA lobbied central government for measures to safeguard the health of evacuated children and called for a national emergency paediatric service.

Extract from a letter about evacuation
RCPCH Archive Reference: RCPCH-007-001
Extract of letter from K D Wilkinson to Donald Paterson on the topic of evacuation, Sept 1939

27.IX [Sept].39
Dear Paterson
The whole question of children’s evacuation is a vast muddle. It was done in haste & is being largely repented at leisure. Here we are supposed to be empty - as a fact lots of people & their children have drifted back. Mothers in the countryside ask two questions: Where is the fish & chip shop? Where is the pub?
Here practice has ceased almost entirely. Somebody has promised to pay us something someday, but as little as possible & in no case more than £120 a quarter.

The birth of the NHS
Document on BPA suggestions about the appointment of a Consultant Paediatrician
RCPCH Archive Reference: RCPCH-004-003-058
BPA suggestions about the appointment of a Consultant Paediatrician, 1946

It includes suggestions on qualifications, pay, department staffing and duties.

Extract of Report of the Sub-Committee to consider the remuneration of Consulting Paediatricians
RCPCH Archive Reference: RCPCH-004-003-088
Remuneration of Paediatricians, 1947

The BPA aimed to ensure that the pay of paediatricians in the NHS would be equal to other physicians, which had not been the case before the Second World War.

Becoming a Royal College
Front page of BPA Newsletter, with the headline "Members Vote for move to college"
RCPCH Archive Reference: RCPCH-011-001-053
Result of members’ vote, June 1994

After many years of debate, members voted on whether to become a College in 1987. There was a near even split between whether to become an independent college or a faculty in the three Royal Colleges of Physicians. Debate continued but in 1994 members voted to direct Council to petition the Queen for a Royal Charter of Incorporation. The draft petition, byelaws and charter were lodged formally with the Privy Council the same year.

Press release entitled "College for Children's Health Founded"
RCPCH Archive Reference: RCPCH-009-001
Press Release for College, 23 July 1996

The Royal Charter allowing the College to form was granted in July 1996. The press release refers to CPCH because the ‘Royal’ designation is a separate matter, which was approved later the same year.

Our archives are available to view by appointment at our offices in London. We also accept donations of records relating to the College, and to paediatrics and child health more widely.

If you’re interested in donating any records to the archives or if you'd like to make an appointment to view our archives, please do contact us on information.governance@rcpch.ac.uk.