Best practice examples of health transition

The page highlights examples of good practice from across the UK of effective transition from children's to adults' health services.

Ready, Steady, Go - Southampton Children's Hospital

This programme (and its follow on 'Hello to adult services' programme) has been designed to involve young people in their transition through effective planning. The transition plans provide a structure and support for the young person to track their journey in a gradual way. It encourages children's and adults' services to work together at earlier stages. 

Ready, Steady, Go

HEADSS - Birmingham Children's Hospital

This psychosocial interview tool for adolescents guides discussions in the following areas:

  • Home and environment
  • Education and employment
  • Activities 
  • Drugs 
  • Sexuality
  • Suicide / depression


10 step programme - Alder Hey

This programme provides a generic and simple transition pathway for healthcare professionals. The steps to follow are:

  1. Recognise the need to move on
  2. Empower young person and support parents
  3. Transition plan
  4. Review circle of support
  5. Refer on to lead in adult medical service
  6. Joint reviews: children's services leading
  7. Identify route into urgent care
  8. Young person (16+) confident to move
  9. Joint reviews: adults' services leading
  10. Young person (18+) confident in adult services

10 step programme

Making healthcare work for young people - Northumbria Healthcare Foundation Trust

This toolkit is designed to support the delivery of 'Developmentally Appropriate Healthcare' in the NHS, and is based on findings from an NIHR funded Transition Research Programme.

Making healthcare work for young people

Young adult renal clinic - Oxford University Hospital

This presentation outlines the development of community based young adult renal clinics in Oxford. Benefits of this approach are improved young person's attendance and peer support.

Young adult renal clinic

Education Health Care Plan model - Council for Disabled Children

This webpage provides examples of good practice in producing quality Education, Health and Care plans that meet the letter and the spirit of the Children and Families Act 2014.

Education Health Care Plan model

Transition care plans - Healthcare Improvement Scotland

These Transition Care Plans (TCPs) have been designed for young people receiving treatment from CAMHS. They provide an opportunity for young people to outline their needs, wants, preferences and concerns ahead of their move.

Transition care plans

Disclaimer: RCPCH have been notified that the above are good examples in providing transition services and will be reviewed on a regular basis. Sharing these examples does not equate to formal RCPCH endorsement.

If you are aware of any other local examples of good practice in transition services, please get in touch: