BPSU-PHE Symposia series: COVID-19 from a Paediatric Perspective – recordings

More than 2,000 people joined one or both of these free events in late April 2021. Discussions covered the impact of COVID-19 on pregnancy, neonates and general paediatric populations and the rare syndrome, PIMS, as well as the wider impact of the pandemic on child health. If you missed the opportunity to join us you can watch the video recordings below.
Last modified
14 May 2021

Day 1 recording

Day 1 discussed the impact of COVID-19 in pregnancy, in the neonatal and paediatric populations and of paediatric multisystem inflammatory syndrome. 

The event was chaired by Dr Ifeanyichukwu Okike. To see the individual talks please click the links below the video. Please note this will open a new window. If you wish to stay within this page we suggest moving the slider on the video to the timeframe stated.

Click the links below for the individual talks:

00:00 Welcome message - Dr Ifeanyichukwu Okike
01:38 Introduction - Professor Mary Ramsay
07:02 COVID-19 and pregnancy - Professor Marian Knight
19:53 COVID-19 and the new-born - Dr Christopher Gale
38:03 COVID-19 in children - Professor Shamez Ladhani
54:42 COVID-19 Book club - RCPCH &Us
51:03 COVID-19 and paediatric multisystem inflammatory syndrome - Dr Godwin Oligbu
01:22:46 Long COVID and the CLoCk Study - Professor Sir Terence Stephenson
01:36:13 Panel Q&A

Day 2 recording

Day 2 discussed the wider impact of COVID-19 on children and young people. 

The event was chaired by Professor Shamez Ladhani. To see the individual talks please click the links below the video. Please note this will open a new window. If you wish to stay within this page we suggest moving the slider on the video to the timeframe stated.

Click the links below for the individual talks:

00:07 Introduction - Dr Camilla Kingdon
10:00 COVID-19 and schools - Dr Ifeanyichukwu Okike and Mr Matthew Ridgill
37:53 Can young people access information on COVID-19 relevant to them - Oliver Lawton
45:45 Indirect effects of COVID-19 on children - Professor Russell Viner 
01:02:46 Beyond COVID-19 - What has happened to paediatric infectious diseases during the pandemic? - Dr Elizabeth Whittaker
01:12:32 COVID-19 vaccination in pregnancy - Professor Paul Heath
01:28:36 COVID -19 vaccination in children - Professor Shamez Ladhani


For updates, follow the BPSU (British Paediatric Surveillance Unit on Twitter @BPSUtweet

If you have any questions about the event please contact: bpsu@rcpch.ac.uk