In August 2019 RCCPH Scotland responded to the Scottish Government Health and Sport Committee Inquiry, The future of primary care in Scotland.
RCPCH Scotland is supportive of this inquiry. Our briefing paper outlines our key priorities for improving primary care for the next generation.
The inquiry asked for views on:
- what changes are needed within primary care
- what the barriers are to delivering a sustainable primary care system in both urban and rural areas
- monitoring and evaluation.
Our response
- The inquiry should be sensitive to the UNCRC (United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child) in particular Article 12 and 24.
- Integration of care around the needs of children and young people is crucial to improving their health services and outcomes.
- Children and young people are historically under-represented in quality frameworks.
- It is the responsibility of all health professionals to contribute to solutions that will maximise children’s physical, mental health and wellbeing throughout childhood.
Our recommendations
- General Practitioners (GPs) should be aware of the voice of children and young people and use this as a resource to inform and improve their practice.
- Facing the Future: Together for child health standards work to strengthen services and ensure specialist child health expertise and support are available directly into general practice services.
- There is an opportunity for children and young people to be more accurately counted in quality outcomes framework targets.
- All GPs should receive training so that they are skilled to deal with childhood illness.
- A bespoke child health workforce strategy should be developed.
We respond to a wide range of consultations to ensure that the College’s position, and ultimately children’s health, is represented. Members can get involved in current consultations by contacting the Scotland Team: