Integrated care

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RCPCH Invited Reviews Service - how a review can help and our processes

The Invited Reviews Service delivers clinically led peer reviews to healthcare organisations when they need independent, objective expert advice and external assurance on the clinical services and quality of care they provide. Invited Reviews aim to provide a safe space for active listening, and...

Future Planning Model for Northern Ireland – Consultation response

The Department of Health have commenced a programme of work to develop a new Integrated Care System model to replace the existing commissioning processes in Northern Ireland (NI) once the regional Health and Social Care Board ceases to function. The consultation sought input on the associated draft ...

Integrated care - resources

This page provides members with the latest information, material, and resources on integrated care and how integrated children's services could improve child health outcomes. These are listed by nation, and by theme. These new models of care can be used across the UK and have been a particular p...