Shared electronic record - Northern Ireland Electronic Care Record

This page provides a best practice example for standard 9 of Facing the Future: Together for child health standards, which describes the Northern Ireland Electronic Care Record (NIECR). Development and use of the NIECR has ensured effective communication and delivery of patient care, meaning that the right information is available in the right place, at the right time.

Standard 9: Healthcare professionals assessing or treating children with unscheduled care needs in any setting have access to the child's shared electronic record. 


The Northern Ireland Electronic Care Record (NIERC) has been operational since May 2013. The shared electronic health record allows all Health and Social Care staff access to the following patient information: 

  • personal information (name, address, date of birth, Health & Care number, hospital number, GP details)
  • 'encounters' with healthcare settings and scheduled future appointments
  • referral letters, discharge letters and any other clinical correspondence
  • allergy information
  • medications prescribed
  • laboratory test and x-ray results.

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