Thrive Paediatrics - Joining our drop-in sessions

Share insight from your community and connect with other paediatricians passionate about change. The Thrive Paediatrics drop-in sessions, which take place online at lunchtimes, enable you to join our growing community of people from varied professional backgrounds across the UK. We share resources, expertise and good practice and we support one another on a journey to improving our working lives.
member, wellbeing, progress and global icons.

Upcoming drop-ins dates and times

Monday 2 September - 12:30-13:30

Monday 7 October - 12:30-13:30 

Monday 4 November - 12:30-13:30

Monday 2 December - 12:30-13:30

How we choose topics for the drop-ins

Topics for each drop-in are based on the current needs of the Thrive community and the research we are doing in the pilot regions.

Discussions at previous drop-ins have looked at how we value our colleagues, building belonging in teams, setting boundaries, improving inclusion for international medical graduates, civility and more. 

The week before each drop-in, we email members of our Thrive community with the topics we'll be exploring. If you'd like to get these updates and more, sign up to our Thrive community.

How to join a drop-in

Please email us at with the drop-in date(s) you'd like to join. We run the drop-ins on Microsoft Teams, and we'll email you the joining link and calendar invite via email.