These principles are behind the development of regional Wellbeing and Innovation Networks (WINs): communities of paediatricians and allied health professionals who come together to share stories, draw on experiences and use the RCPCH Thrive Roadmap and supporting resources to activate change.
What are WINs?
Wellbeing and Innovation Networks (WINs) offer paediatricians the chance to know that their story matters. They are a place to share ideas and try things out.
Each WIN is led by a group of champions, individuals passionate about wellbeing and workforce, who want to engage their local colleagues in this project. Wider members come from across the region and represent the diversity of our paediatric workforce.
As the number of WINs grows, we anticipate that there will be collaboration across regions with chances to present at regional and national events.
Pilot sites
With funding from the Dinwoodie Charitable Company, we have developed two pilot WINS: South East Scotland, and East of England.
Each region has one or two WIN leads as well as a wider steering group of paediatricians interested in improving the working lives and wellbeing of their colleagues. Hospitals from across the two regions are represented in these communities alongside doctors from all grades and specialties.
We have held a face-to-face event in each region. These bring the community together to learn about the science of wellbeing and share stories to identify actions. We hold regular online meetings (on MS Teams) for each WIN where we share resources and good practice and offer ideas for how things could be different. Members in each WIN are seeking ways to nudge their experiences in a more positive direction, focusing on areas that are relevant and important to them.
What if I’m not in one of the pilot sites?
If you are not in one of the pilot regions, you can still be involved in creating a WIN in your own region.
To find out more, sign up to our national Thrive community so you can get regular updates. Or email us on so we can arrange a discussion to support you moving forward.