Specialist, Associate Specialist and Specialty Doctor Committee

As a member, and a SAS or LE (Locally Employed) doctor, you are represented by the SAS Committee within the College. This committee aims to identify and highlight issues relevant to SAS and Locally Employed doctors to the College.


This committee represents the needs of our SAS and LE members practicing in paediatrics. Our aim is to improve recognition of the contribution that our SAS doctors provide to the paediatric field. We also want to identify opportunities for continuing development, support and progression. 

The Chairs of the committee sit on College Council as SAS representatives, and the committee is moving away from regional representatives, to a wider, more inclusive committee membership. You can find out more information about our SAS representatives below.

If you would like to be involved with the SAS Committee, please check our Volunteering Opportunities for live vacancies, or reach out to our Committee Co-ordinator.

Meet our Joint Chairs

We are lucky to have two dedicated Joint Chairs for the committee, and each rotates duties during their time in the position. Meet Dr Kumar Swamy and Dr Jamil Ahmad Khan! 

Dr Kumar Swamy

I am an Associate Specialist in Neonatology at Nottingham University Hospitals NHS Trust. 

I have been involved with the RCPCH SAS committee for six years, working first as a regional representative. As a Joint Chair, part of my responsibility this year is to represent the SAS interests of the College on the Academy of Medical Royal College's SAS meetings. 

I am also a SAS Tutor for Nottingham University Hospitals, and I aim to support SAS doctors both locally and nationally. 

I am interested in Quality Improvement projects, and lead on ATAIN (Avoiding Term Admissions in Neonatal Units), postnatal wards, and transitional care. 

Dr Kumar Swamy

Dr Jamil Ahmad Khan FRCPCH

I currently work as Clinical Lead of Paediatric Emergency Department (ROH) at Northern Care Alliance NHS Trust in Manchester. I am a Fellow of RCPCH, have been associated with SAS Committee for a few years before being elected as a Joint Chair. For this year I am currently the SAS Representative on RCPCH Council which provides me an excellent opportunity to interact and discuss issues directly with Council.

I aim to improve working circumstances for SAS doctors and keen to involve them with College. I am ensuring SAS doctors have a stronger voice by including them in College Committees and Examiner panels. I am keen to guide, engage and empower our ever expanding SAS workforce.

The SAS Committee will work in partnership with other College Committees, Specialist Societies and External Bodies to ensure that contributions of SAS doctors across Paediatrics and it’s sub-specialities are duly recognised and valued.

Dr Jamil Ahmad Khan FRCPCH

Committee members

Name Role
Dr Jamil Ahmad Khan

SAS Committee Joint Chair

SAS representative for RCPCH Council  

Dr Kumar Swamy

SAS Committee Joint Chair

RCPCH Representative for Academy of Medical Royal Colleges

Dr Jan Dudley RCPCH Registrar – Ex Officio
Dr Jayden Lee Committee Member
Dr Peter Rose Committee Member
Vacant Committee Member
Dr Fatima Shirly Anitha George BACCH Representative
Vacant BMA SASC Representative
Dr Kay Tyerman RCPCH Officer for Workforce - Ex Officio
Selma Laklai RCPCH Head of Membership
Nawsheen Boodhun RCPCH Head of Workforce and Careers
Vacant National SAS Representative: Ireland
Vacant National SAS Representative: Scotland
Dr Laura Morris National SAS Representative: Wales
Dr Chaman Urooj Regional Representative: North London
Dr Eslam Mohamed Abdelfattah Edris Regional Representative: North East England
Dr Sadia Zeeshan Regional Representative: South England
Dr Tamanna Yesmin Regional Representative: South London & Kent, Surrey & Sussex
Charlotte Hughes RCPCH Committee Administrator - email: committees@rcpch.ac.uk