Specialist, associate specialist and specialty doctors - how we work with you

Find out how the College works with and supports Specialist, Associate Specialist and Specialty (SAS) doctors and Locally Employed Doctors (LED) in training, continuing professional development, research and health policy.
Last modified
17 October 2024

RCPCH membership

We invite SAS doctors and LEDs working in paediatrics to join the College. Your membership includes monitoring of your continuing professional development (CPD). Subscriptions are fully tax deductible; if you are a UK tax payer you can claim up to 40% of your subscription back from the Inland Revenue.

Find out your membership type and apply

Support on education and training for members

We provide the following to RCPCH members who are SAS doctors and LEDs.

Information and guidance on:

Access to:

SAS Committee

The RCPCH Specialist, Associate Specialist and Specialty Doctor Committee represents the specific needs of SAS doctors practicing in paediatrics, both College members and non-members, to improve recognition of their contribution to paediatrics and to identify opportunities for continuing professional development, support and progression.

The Committee includes elected members and regional representatives, as well as representation from British Association of Community Child Health (BACCH) and British Medical Association (BMA). The Chair of the committee sits on College Council.

RCPCH: SAS Committee

SAS charter

The British Medical Association, jointly with key nation-specific organisations, has produced the SAS Charter. This sets out the support available to SAS doctors and what they can expect from their employers. There is a version for each of the four UK nations, plus supporting resources.

BMA: SAS Charter


Appraisal is not an RCPCH process, but a Trust-based one. Appraisals are done against national standards and for SAS doctors they should be worked out with the supervising Consultants.

RCPCH Regional Training Advisers can counsel SAS doctors on appraisal aspects.

RCPCH: Guidance on revalidation and appraisal

Recognition for your work role

We cannot intervene in cases where you feel you are denied recognition for your work role. Instead, we recommend that such cases be taken up with a trade union, such as the British Medical Association.

For more information

Please contact the Committees team on committees@rcpch.ac.uk