Northern Ireland and Republic of Ireland College regions

Ireland - Officer and Deputy Officer

The Officer for Ireland role is currently vacant.  

Dr Rory Sweeney is RCPCH Deputy Officer for Ireland since July 2023.

These posts represent and promote the interests of the membership in both Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland at RCPCH Council. They advocate for the health and wellbeing of infants, children and young people - placing their needs and rights at the heart of their work - and they progress RCPCH policies and strategic goals for the region/s.

The Officer chairs the regional committee and co-chairs the All-Ireland Paediatric Committee, a joint standing committee of the RCPCH and the Royal College of Physicians Ireland tasked with improving child health outcomes on the island of Ireland through strategic collaboration.

The Officer provides specialist and professional advice to the Northern Ireland Department of Health on paediatric and child health matters. The Officer also represents the RCPCH at meetings and engagements with external stakeholders including civil servants and the media.

Northern Ireland

Contacts for your training in Northern Ireland

Contacts for your RCPCH region

Republic of Ireland

Contacts for your RCPCH Region

Faculty of Paediatrics, Royal College of Physicians Ireland