RCPCH &Us Volunteers Awards 2022... the winners are...

In celebration of Volunteers' Week, these awards recognise the hard work and dedication of children, young people and families who volunteer with RCPCH &Us. This year our judging panel had a tough job on their hands: over 280 people had volunteered more than 890 hours through RCPCH &Us. Find out who won!
pink background showing a white badge which says RCPCH &Us volunteer award with a colourful child icon on the left

The RCPCH &Us Volunteer Awards 2022 help share the fantastic work our  volunteers are involved in and the impact they have in health policy and improving health services and experiences. The awards also inspire others to get involved and support the voice of children and young people.

To reivew the many fantastic RCPCH &Us projects in 2022, we convened our judging panel - RCPCH President, Dr Camilla Kingdon, Registrar, Professor Steve Turner and Assistant Registrar, Dr Mo Akindolie.

There are four categories:

  • Educate: Recognising the education of others in engagement and what matters to children and young people through articles, published items, reports
  • Collaborate: Recognising innovative and inspiring projects where children, young people and professionals have worked together. 
  • Engage: Recognising children, young people and parents/carers taking in the lead on making changing to child health
  • Change: Recognising projects that share the platform with key decision makers to improve child health

And four winners!

Educate: Milestones Young Writers

Young people have created articles for our member magazine, Milestones, on topics that are of importance to them including accessibility and inclusion, epilepsy care, climate change and poverty - sharing their voices, views and hopes with paediatricians and the magazine's readers. To help members stay up to date with the interests of their patients, they've also written reviews on films and books.

About Milestones

Collaborate: Forgotten Voices Project

Young people volunteered to take part in a “forgotten voices” jury with Dr Helen Stokes-Lampard from the Academy of Medical Royal Colleges to look at where their voices had been excluded during the pandemic. They created top tips for services to support future engagement, which were developed into a video, which is now used in training sessions and presentations to raise awareness of how to do engagement well.

Watch video

Engage: COVID Book Club Vaccination Project

When discussions started on extending the COVID-19 vaccination programme to under 18s, young people re0formed the COVID Book Club at the College's request. Meeting on a weekly  basis, they created exclusion/inclusion criteria to be able to review the voices/wishes/concerns of young people linked to the vaccination, and insight briefings which were shared with the College and beyond.

COVID Book Club

Change: RCPCH Engagement Committee

Over the last year, young people, parents/carers and paediatricians have been actively meeting, working together on their work plan topics of supporting voice in services, training engagement ambassadors and providing expert engagement advice. They have supported the creation of content for awareness days on engagement and rare disease as well as supporting the first pilot of the Engagement QI programme and free engagement module.

They also awarded highly commended to projects in each of the categories: 

  • Educate: College Strategy Young Advisors
  • Collaborate: External Second Opinions Project (Parents/Carers)
  • Engage: Podcasters
  • Change: Epilepsy Programme Board Experts by Experience

Congratulations to all of our winners and to all of the amazing volunteers who give their time to RCPCH &Us. Thank you to our judges for taking on this tough assignment!