Update for international MRCPCH candidates, April 2021

We have successfully run two diets of the MRCPCH COVID Adapted Clinical exam for UK trainees in the past few months and we have learned a great deal as a result. The Examinations team wishes to thank all of our overseas candidates for your patience and understanding during this period.

With this recent experience of running online exams in the UK, we now understand the amount of preparation needed compared to face-to-face exams. In overseas centres this work is devolved to each country's host centre.

In some countries, the exam leads have been able to plan for clinical exams, subject to local conditions. Some candidates had booked their exam in spring 2020, and we have agreed to prioritise these individuals for future bookings of any overseas exams we are able to run.

We understand your frustration at the delays to restarting overseas exams and want to assure you that we are working hard to find ways to deliver the exam overseas.

You can download the full update below.

You can also access our MRCPCH Covid Adapted Clinical exam information hub, which has full details on the delivery of this exam